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  1. I really don't think it'll be out on the 16th as i'm sure we'd know for sure by now. The new release schedule on BuzzJack now has it as coming soon, so no date is known. xx
  2. that's okay, didn't have anything else to do lol.
  3. "I don't regret my relationship with Jordan" After three years in the pop wilderness, Gareth Gates is back. But what's he been up to? Lucie Cave finds out... Heat is sitting in the driver's seat of a stationary car, with Gareth Gates in the passenger seat. Not the most glamorous location for an interview admittedly, but the place we've hired for our photoshoot is buzzing with people and we need quiet. So we've borrowed the car keys of Heat's photographer's assistant, Rosie. Still, Gareth doesn't seem to mind. He's just getting over the flu, but his trademark grin barely leaves his face. After three years, Gareth is preparing to tackle the charts once again. He's got a new record deal (after being dropped by Simon Cowell and BMG in April 2006, Gaz has signed to Universal), different songs (he's written them all himself this time) and by jove, he looks mighty different too. Gone are the 2-2-1 formation gelled spikes, as has the shy stammering young boy (with the help of training from the McGuire Programme, Gareth's successfully overcome his speech impediment). Instead, we're met with a strapping 22-year-old who - even though his trousers are so baggy they're falling down when he arrives - has filled out handsomely. His face is just the right side of freckly to be sexy, and on close inspection he's actually got stubble and a hairy chest (although he doesn't like this part of him and insists on wearing a T-shirt when we get him in the pool later). Aaah, it's good to have The Gates back. And now that he's overcome his stammer, we can ask him many more questions. Although he occasionally still pauses to catch his breath, his conversation flows well. Good job, because there's lots to discuss. Like, does he still think about Jordan? Has he popped the question to his girlfriend Suzanne? And is he jealous of Will Young's success? Time to start the engine... You can speak now! [Laughs.] I know! At last I've got a personality! Is it a relief people can actually hear what you're really like? Yes. Before, it was like i was just a singer and nothing else. I had to avoid interview situations. I've always been the same person, but it's only friends and family who've ever spent long enough with me to see my witty charm before. [Grins.] What training have you had? I'm part of a speech therapy course called the McGuire Programme. They teach you that there are two parts to any stammer: the physical side - not being able to get the words out - and the psychological side, which is the build-up of fear. Fear makes up 90 percent of a stammer. My training was all about doing what i was most scared of - talking to people. How long did it take to get to the level you are at now? Six months of hard work. I had to work on my breathing every day. But you have to see it as a sport - as soon as you don't put the work in, your speech will suffer. Over the past few days my speech has been crappy because i've been ill. I'll never say that i'll never stammer again. But it's getting there. You teach others now, don't you? [Nods.] I'm an instructor for the programme. It's so fulfilling - I never though i'd be able to speak myself, let alone teach. What else have you been doing for the last three years? [Laughs.] I've been songwriting. Did you feel like you'd been cast out by Simon Cowell? I'm not going to lie, i was disappointed when I was dropped by BMG, and i was gutted Simon didn't stand by me. But it's turned out for the better. I've signed a new deal - it's a fresh, clean slate. Your management company once billed you as the "new Elvis". That's a hard title to live up to... I don't think anybody will fill his shoes. What did you think when they said that about you? [Looks embarrassed.] I wasn't aware that they had. How did it feel watching Will Young turn into such a huge star? Will knew what he wanted to do from the start and knew the kind of songs he wanted to sing. Whereas i was 17 and happy to do anything, he was a lot wiser. But i've learnt a lot from him. Did you resent his success? No. Absolutely not. Will's the nicest guy you'll ever meet. Are you still in contact? Yes, we often text. What does he think about you coming back? He's really chuffed and supportive, bless him. Have you listened to his stuff and thought, "I'd do that better!"? [Laughs.] Erm, no...the thing about Will is that his music suits him. It's not stuff i would do. What was a typical day for you during your break? I went through a phase of getting into the gym. [Laughs.] But at one point i worked out too much. I looked in the mirror one day and thought, "What are you doing?!" I had a really fat neck. It was out here [motions with his hands]. What, like Craig David? [Laughs.] Does he look all pumped now? I haven't seen him. I haven't trained for a year - but i want to start again. I'd like to get somewhere in between where i am now and where i was. There must've been some days when you felt despondent and didn't want to get out of bed? No, i'm pretty positive. I'd never be one of those people who say they've been a casualty of fame. I'm only 22 and i think i've achieved a lot. There was a rumour you'd applied to be a Virgin cabin crew member... I heard that, too! But no, it's not true. It made me laugh, though. If you weren't officially "working" for the last three years, how did you survive? Are you loaded from your Pop Idol days? [Looks coy and grins.] I don't like to talk about finance, but, um, i'm fine. Were there days when you thought, "I wish i had enough money to buy that jumper"? I was fine. [Grins.] Why do you think you drifted away from the public eye? People said the second album was a failure - but the last single i ever had out still got to number four! But i didn't really know what songs i wanted to sing back then. I do now, though. Do you think your relationship with Jordan affected the public perception of you? I think the fact that i denied it made it a bigger story than it ever should have been. But people still would have said, "What?!" Maybe. But it would have been big news for a week and then it would have gone away. I don't regret my relationship with Jordan whatsoever, but i regret the way i handled it. I just wanted to keep it out of the papers and didn't know what to do so i thought, "Deny it and it'll go away." But it didn't... Do you still think about that time? [Pauses.] I've moved on now. And so has she - which is good. What about when you see her in magazines? Erm... When you get to know her, she's a lovely girl. I haven't got a bad word to say about her. I'm really glad she's happy. You told her you'd lost your virginity to a "family friend". But she said that was rubbish. Did you lose your virginity to Jordan? [Grins.] Um, i shan't be answering that question. Come on... [Laughs.] No way. It's a very personal matter. Ok...if you turn back time, would you do it again? I've learnt that there's no point having regrets in life. Everything's an experience and it ultimately makes you a stronger person. Have you still got her number? I haven't. Did you love her? [Pauses.] We saw each other a handful of times over three months. But i was 17 and don't think i knew what love was. If was great, but i don't think we could call it love. [Pauses.] God, i'm so hot in here, do you mind if i open the window? [Heat notices the car has steamed up - which to passers-by would look more than a bit dodgy. He winds doen the window and laughs.] Do you still get recognised? There's still rarely a time that i go out without someone knowing who i am. Pop Idol was such a massive thing. Do you like being spotted? It does have perks. Like when you can't get into a restaurant. Mind you, that's wearing off these days. [Laughs.] How's it going with Suzanne? Yeah, we're very happy. You've been together for ages... Four years. [smiles.] There was a rumour that you were secretly married - is that true? No. Do you talk about marriage? [Looks coy.] If we did, she would be the first to know. Who wears the trousers? She's a very private person, and so am i, so i don't really want to talk about us. That's why we never do those "at home with..." shoots. She doesn't want to be in the public eye. Final question: if you could meet up with your 17-year-old self, what advice would you give him? I think it comes back to what i've learnt in life so far - i'd just tell him not to regret anything and to enjoy what he's got. What would you say about your hairstyle? [Laughs and looks in the wing mirror at his stylishly messy crop.] Yes. Hmm.Well, as you can see i'm trying to distance myself from those days...
  4. That picture is sooo gorgeous. Wow! Can't wait to buy that later
  5. I was just about to post that i had received the exact same email hehe. Nice to know they like our Gareth
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