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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Knew you'd enjoy it :laugh: Have a hearty breakfast and come back and tell us more :hyper:
  2. Enjoy the show Jenjo. I'm sure you'll have a fab time I know exactly what you mean re texting Heather. I'm so engrossed, I even forget to look at the rest of the cast most of the time. Very grateful to those who can multi-task though :laugh:
  3. Wow!!! That's fantastic :hyper: :hyper: When does she get back home :laugh: :frantics: :hyper: :frantics: :hyper: :heart: :heart:
  4. Now why doesn't that surprise me :laugh: Come on everyone we need more :hyper: :hyper:
  5. Right, Thanks. Are they going to send any more texts do you know. Can't wait to hear what they all think of the show :hyper: :frantics:
  6. Thanks for telling us Khelda. What a shame they weren't there a bit earlier, but what is TGF?
  7. Some lovely reviews on there Khelda. Thanks for posting the link.
  8. If the critics haven't been yet, it will give him even more time to perfect the role, which will be even better for when they do
  9. That's a lovely review Eternal and I absolutely agree with the last sentence. Its about time Gareth got the credit he deserves. Will you post this on the OS or shall I do it for you?
  10. There's a lovely report on the OS by a new member. She was very impressed with Gareth in the show although she wasn't a fan before. Take a look here http://www.garethgates.com/messageBoard/ub...3799#Post393799 Another good comment further down the thread as well
  11. Great find Linda. How lovely to see all their excited faces and so obviously impresses with Gareth. Thanks for that.
  12. You're so right Maggie. Its like Manna from heaven after all we've had to read and hear said about him over the years. Just imagine how he must be feeling too :heart:
  13. Thanks for your fab report Khelda. Not at all surprised at how well Gareth was received and not surprised you want to go again. Bless the little girl seeing him so close up. Probably made her night. Can't wait for Wednesday now.
  14. This is such an exciting evening. How great that he is being received so well and its no more than he deserves. Got a huge lump in my throat to go with the tears now. Can't put into words how I'm feeling :heart: Thanks again Hazzy for keeping us up with the news from Khelda.
  15. Thanks for tellng us what your friend said Carol. That's typical of Gareth, standing in the wings picking up any last minute tips. He's a true professional :heart:
  16. Phew! Thanks Hazzy. Not been able to relax waiting for some news from someone.
  17. Perhaps someone will think to take a picture of the poster and put it up on the sites
  18. Wow Hazzy! That should get the casual passers-by into the theatre. Wish I was there tonight. It really is a special night for Gareth :heart:
  19. Thanks Floz. That's a really brilliant review. This is going to be a great show for Gareth and the start of a lot more in the future it looks like.
  20. I hope everyong going tonight has a brilliant time and that the weather will be kind to you all :smile:
  21. Thanks Heather. Really excited at the moment. Can't wait for Wednesday to come :hyper: :hyper:
  22. Thanks Maggie This is really lovely. I've got tears in my eyes reading these posts. Its such a joy to see people other than us saying lovely things about Gareth :heart:
  23. That's really positive feedback. If those who thought Lee was fantastic can see how good Gareth is, or will be when he settles into the role, then I think we can safely say that impartial theatre-goers will enjoy him even more. I'm with Maggie, it has been very finger-nail biting stuff waiting to find out how he did. Feel loads better now and can't wait until Wednesday to see him for myself. Thanks for finding these Snowdrop.
  24. I think that's great. Gareth will get the chance to have a trial run, so to speak, before the pressure of everyone knowing he's on-stage. Hope it goes well for him and we get to hear how he did.
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