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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Thanks for the link Maverick. Missy is such a delightful little girl. Must have been quite a novelty for Gareth waiting for someone else to sign instead of himself.
  2. Its a gorgeous picture isn't it. Thanks for posting it up Heather.
  3. I tried to post this in the other thread, but for some reason it wouldn't post it at the bottom of the thread, so I've started another one. @Nikita011097 My video from the harry moseley match a while ago youtube.com/watch?v=wviC8W… @shayneTward @DerryTheRisk @OliverPhelps @Gareth_Gates
  4. Bit more information on booking for Wetherby on Gareth's Website June 12, 2013 - Information on Wetherby Festival For those of you who have enquired about tickets to this event, here is information from the promoter: Tickets will be available on-line in September or they can send a postal booking to the following address: Wetherby Festival Stonecroft Tom Cat Lane Bickerton Wetherby LS22 5ES No tickets will be available before September. This is a week long Festival with different events each night so tickets cannot be released until everything is in place.
  5. http://www.facebook.com/events/147115315478250/
  6. Update on Gareth's Facebook about booking for this event Gareth Gates 55 minutes ago via Mobile Insanity Talent gig Wetherby November 2013 Update Tickets will be available on-line in September or you can send a postal booking to the following address:- Wetherby Festival Stonecroft Tom Cat Lane Bickerton Wetherby LS22 5ES No tickets will be available before September.
  7. http://www.facebook.com/events/636099796418788/
  8. Glowing report for Gareth from Oake Manor http://oakemanorevents.co.uk/gareth-gates-and-adam-isaax/
  9. Perhaps you could pick me on the way through Cris.
  10. Well done Cris. Sounds like fantastic seats. Wish it was nearer to me.
  11. I really can't make up my mind which of the songs I like best. Free still brings tears to my eyes, but I love both the others. At the moment I think I'm going with Stay.
  12. Thanks Chris. Its a great question & answer piece. Can't wait to see the show. It sounds like it will be fantastic like last years.
  13. I can't do anything at all at the moment Chris. Ever since I uploaded the videos, I ve been having problems with my laptop. Now it's packed up altogether so I'm posting this on my iPad. Going to have to get hold of my engineer I think.
  14. Thank goodness it worked. I suppose it depends on how many times its viewed as to what page it goes on.
  15. Have had help with this now Chris. Are they showing up for you now?
  16. I don't know how to do that Chris. I'll try to find out from someone.
  17. Good thinking Elaine. I can't do anything about the front page, but I've started a thread in the Gareth Music forum.
  18. Here are the other two songs I recorded. Angel On My Shoulder More Than Words Wish I'd recorded more now.
  19. I've had some help uploading the videos and the first one is on there
  20. Had an absolutely brilliant time at Bingley last night. Can't really add anything much to Heather's great report. It was lovely to meet you Heather and also Linda and a few others that I met for the first time. I finally managed to get some really good videos of the 3 new songs Gareth sang, so if anyone is able to help me get them from my iPad onto Youtube I'd be very grateful. The third new song, was every bit as good as the first two. Gareth and Pete said they hadn't properly decided on a name for it, but they sort of called it Hold On Tight and asked for suggestions for a name, but that name sounded just right to me. Gareth also told me he had several other songs which he will be introducing. Just one thing I will add. Gareth's voice was even more powerful last night. He is truly amazing. Thanks to everyone I went with for such a fantastic day.
  21. Sure everyone will have a fabulous time.
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