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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Norbreck Castle Hotel http://www.facebook.com/GarethGates#!/events/170519893087976/
  2. From 30 Nov - 20 Jan http://www.facebook.com/GarethGates#!/events/211627135618105/
  3. http://www.facebook.com/GarethGates#!/events/375136205902319/
  4. http://www.facebook.com/GarethGates#!/events/225296487600811/
  5. http://www.facebook.com/GarethGates#!/events/292405477527648/
  6. Thanks for posting the link to your article on here Emily. It was a really good one. I enjoyed reading it.
  7. I read that article too. The author was Daniella Gibb I think. Some of what she said was very interesting and very much how it is when you're away for weeks/months on tour I would imagine. Strange you should post this too. Its almost word for word a conversation I had with another Gareth fan a few weeks ago. I always used to think Gareth was perfect in every way and I very much put him on a pedestal. Now I too have realized he is a normal person who can make mistakes or act a bit unwisely sometimes just like the rest of us. I still think he is an amazing person, both as an entertainer/singer and also as a very loving, kind and inspiring person, but since I've woken up to the fact that he is a human being with faults like the rest of us, I can react in a much calmer way than I used to when I read unkind things about him. .
  8. No-one apart from Gareth and Suzanne know the truth behind their decision. They may both have decided this was the best option to avoid any more speculation when Gareth appears in Pantomime this year alongside the latest person the press have decided he has been friendly with. As Gareth said their main priority is Missy and they will do all they can to avoid hurt for her. Which to me makes them excellent parents and that can't be said for many couples who put their children through hell.
  9. Very sad news. I'm sure they will both do all they can to ensure Missy has a happy relationship with both of them.
  10. Article in the T&A http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/9984424.Gareth_Gates_joins_the_stars_at_One_In_A_Million_awards/
  11. Don't know if this will post ok but this is the actual video for anyone who can't get on the Facebook page. http://vimeo.com/51273681
  12. Thanks for finding these Linda. Was great to hear again especially Serious. as it was ages ago I went to the show.
  13. I don't think that was the one Maria was meaning Heather. That was in Cardiff. It was only last Saturday Gareth posted that tweet, so it was while he was in Wimbledon.
  14. I thought it was something like that Inge. I knew I'd read something about it but couldn't remember what or where, so didn't want to post something that was wrong.
  15. Thanks for your great report Snowdrop. I totallty agree with you that the two shows LB and Loserville are very similar and Gareth's character is virtually the same part. As I've said before I preferred LB of the two and I think Gareth was actually on stage for longer than he was in LV even if he didn't sing much. Love your thinking on the similarity of the lead characters too.
  16. Some nice pics from last night on WOS. Gareth is on 4, 8, 18, 19, 22, 25 and 26 http://www.whatsonstage.com/photos/theatre/london/E8831348661653/1st+Night+Photos:+OMG!+Gates,+Ellison+&+Brooks+go+Blonde+in+Wimbledon.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
  17. Thanks for your report Maria. I knew you'd enjoy the show. That's good you got to see Gareth and ask him about the Triathlon.
  18. I'm sure you'll enjoy it Maria. I preferred it to Loserville and it was pretty much what I was expecting from what I'd heard beforehand.
  19. Thanks for telling us your thoughts Doris. I agree Gareth was very much underused, but I did think it was a good show. Sorry for you that you had lots of screaming girls, but I'm sure Gareth will have loved it. Thanks for the links to the reviews Chris. I've posted them to Twitter.
  20. This has now been confirmed on Gareth's Website http://www.garethgates.com/
  21. Lovely pics Megan. Thanks for posting them up.
  22. Nice chat with Gareth in the Lancashire Telegraph http://www.lancashir...Blonde/?ref=rss GARETH Gates still can’t quite believe that he’s taken to life in the theatre. “It’s my new love,” he laughed. “I really never thought I’d be appearing on stage both singing and acting.” Gareth has recently joined the cast of Legally Blonde, the show based on the hit movie which starred Reese Witherspoon. In the show, which is now on tour after three years in the West End, Gareth plays Waner, the opinionated boyfriend of apparent airhead Elle Woods, who proves that she’s no dumb blonde after enrolling in law school. The touring show also stars former Brookside actress Jennifer Ellison and rising West End star Faye Brooks as Elle. “It is a new avenue for me and it’s very liberating,” said Gareth. The nation took the spiky-haired Bradford teenager with a bad stammer to their hearts when he appeared on Pop Idol. “Appearing on stage is very liberating for me,” said Gareth. “I adopt a different persona, which is something which helps me with my stammer. “It’s always a little nerve-racking when I meet new people because of my stammer but the cast have been fabulous. With everything I do I always raise the question of my stammer before anyone else does as I have had so much feedback from fellow stammerers that I have inspired them. I just have worked hard and I hope I have shown you should not let it stop you achieving your goals.” Legally Blonde is a wonderfully light-hearted show which has received rave reviews. “It’s one of those shows that makes people smile,” said Gareth. “I have been in Les Miserables, which is much more full-on as shows go, but this is equally entertaining and huge fun to be part of.” As well as touring with Legally Blonde, Gareth has also just been announced as part the cast in a revival of the disco musical Boogie Nights next year. So does that mean he’s moved from live concerts? “I love doing both,” he said. “I’m currently working with my band on some new songs and I hope to have an album out next year. I work with them when I get time off from theshow. “My professional life now is all about juggling concerts and shows which is a great position to be in.”
  23. Here's the pic. Looks like him but not sure
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