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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. This was posted up on Twitter Now confirmed on Gareth's Website http://www.garethgates.com/
  2. Thanks Heather. Gareth is getting to be a permanent fixture at the Butterfly Ball.
  3. Fantastic reviews both of them. Thanks Chris. I'm going to post them on Twitter.
  4. Thanks for the links to pics and the videos. Would hate to have missed out on reading all about the footie and Gareth scoring a goal. Well done Gareth and Les Mis.
  5. I suppose it may only have updated today, which was the date Ali said they publish the dates. Very well spread tour. Should be very good for Gareth.
  6. Oh right. Its times like this when I regret my eyesight getting so bad.
  7. Thanks for the link Floz. Some lovely pics there. My computer wouldn't let me enlarge them because of my settings I think, so it was difficult for me to see who was who, until I got to the pages with Gareth. He has such a presence about him, there was no mistaking him.
  8. So pleased for you Heather. And great that Gareth will be performing in his hometown. Bet he's looking forward to that.
  9. Update coming Thursday for this. Posted up on Facebook and Twitter
  10. Why can't I see them then? Can still only see one.
  11. Thanks Megan, but I can only see one picture. Am I going mad?
  12. Just looked on that link Chris and it says there is a performance of Boogie Nights in November as well as the Boogie Nights 70's musical in March next year. I'm a bit confused as to whether there are two different shows.
  13. Ar there some tickets on sale already for this then. Didn't think they went on sale until next Monday.
  14. Thanks for finding that Heather. Sounds like a good show. Some good music there.
  15. What a lovely poster Doris. Thanks for posting it up. Bet you can't wait to go yourself.
  16. Fantastic news. Thanks for putting it on here Floz. Really excited about this. Would be great if it did turn out to be more than just the two nights.
  17. That was my first thought when I saw that picture Inge. He doesn't even look much older than he did when he made that video. Wouldn't be surprised if it was something he'd wanted to do for a while. Didn't he make some comment about `busking' once before.
  18. Thanks for your great report Elaine. I'm surprised about the sound not being good in the Circle. It was a bit loud in Plymouth down in the stalls and I thought it may have been better to have booked for the circle. I sat in the circle at MK for the panto and the sound was great then. I suppose its a different kind of music though. Glad you had a good day and got to meet Gareth. Agree with you about the little dogs. They were adorable.
  19. Do you think so Floz. I thought it may have been that Gareth was supporting them.
  20. Must say, if this event does prove to be correct, its something I'd love to go to.
  21. Not sure what this is about. Anyone got any idea
  22. Katy on FB said Gareth sang Don't Stop Me Now, Anyone Of Us and Spirit in the Sky and he was so happy to be there.
  23. Yet another convert. Just keep plugging away Gareth.
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