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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Someone has posted a pic of Gareth singing at Leeds Pride
  2. Loving this pic. We've got to have it on here
  3. Hi Jill. Nice to see you posting. Don't think we'll ever stop following Gareth in all he does will we.
  4. Gareth Gates ‏@Gareth_Gates On my way to Radio2 for interview. Gareth Gates ‏@Gareth_Gates Good Radio 2 interview. Now heading to Wimbledon Theatre for a Legally Blonde press launch Gareth Gates ‏@Gareth_Gates On way home after a very fun launch at Wimbledon Theatre! Can't wait for sofa, food and tv and my baby missy!
  5. There weren't any pictures of Gareth in the Plymouth programme apart from the one for his biography bit, so good to know he's going to be in ones from later venues.
  6. Here you are Inge. An article with pictures of the dogs in the show. How adorable are they. http://theatreroyal.wordpress.com/2012/07/26/omigod-you-guys-they-are-soooo-well-behaved/
  7. That was what I meant Khelda. Getting my days mixed up this week. Will be out on Sunday.
  8. It was very pink SarahJane and lots of nice clothes which my daughter liked. Not sure what breed the dogs were, I'm not very good at deciding. Gareth did have quite a few costume changes and he looked fab in all of them. I think I'd have to try to tune in on-lline to Radio Plymouth Khelda, but not sure if I'll be home tomorrow. Chris is was a lovely day. So rarely do I get the chance to spend a whole day with Debbie just the two of us. Usually the children are there, so we had a chance to have a lovely gossip on the trains and while we were eating. and also had a look around Plymouth shopping centre and spent a bit of money. Really enjoyed the day alside from seeing Gareth.
  9. Not a lot Elaine. He sang the one song at the beginning of the show with Elle, but apart from that it was just snippets of songs with the rest of the cast. He looked very handsome as usual and had that twinkle in his eye when he was being his worse. Was very impressed with Jennifer Ellison's singing voice. Really very good,.
  10. Just back from the show. Really enjoyed it. More than I did Loserville actually. Gareth was in it more than I was expecting. Not too much singing but he was on stage for quite a good proportion of the show. He portrayed a real rotter again to his girlfriend, ditching her for someone who could help him more. Ended up with neither of them at the end as his new girlfriend ended up supporting Elle. I think it was an understudy playing Elle, but she was really good. The whole case were fantastic and the show is very funny in some parts. There were two adorable little dogs as well. You'd have loved them Khelda. My Daughter came away saying she enjoyed the show. It wouldn't be her choice to go to another one as its not really her thing, but she did enjoy it. She even offered to go to the stage door with me, but I didn't think it was fair to make her wait, so we didn't stop.
  11. Thanks for your great report Snowdrop. Made excellent reading. Still wishing I was back to last Thursday and could do it all again.
  12. You have to click on each little video and watch Khelda.
  13. I'm going to see Legally Blonde at Plymouth tomorrow with my Daughter. Hope she'll like it. She didn't really want to come, but am hoping Gareth will win her back again. She used to love him on PI, but has drifted away now.
  14. Lots and lots of lovely clips which were filmed outside the theatre before and after Momentous Musicals on Thursday, including one from Linda (lindajan) and one from Ann (smitten) Well done both of you. http://www.winkball....mbledon-theatre
  15. Thanks Floz. Sounds like they all had a great night.
  16. Review of the concert on BWW http://westend.broadwayworld.com/article/BWW-Reviews-MOMENTOUS-MUSICALS-New-Wimbledon-Theatre-July-20-2012-20120720
  17. There's also a clip of You Can't Stop The Beat on that page as well
  18. Wow! Good find Sophie. Enjoyed listening to them again. Hopefully someone will soon put up the other songs too. Just one thing though, it wasn't Emma singing on For Good with Gareth it was Rachael Gooding.
  19. I'm sorry you got crushed at the Stage Door last night SarahJane and that your picture got cut off. Must admit I found it a bit scary myself there last night. People who were further back than I was and way out to the side of the door, managed to push their way to the front as soon as Gareth made an appearance. Its thoughtless and too late when someone gets hurt. I felt sorry for the people there many of them very young fans who hadn't met Gareth before, who missed out when he had to go in while those who have already had loads of pics taken previously didn't. I'm sure the reason he did go in quickly was to save anyone getting hurt.
  20. Thanks for posting up your pictures Doris and thanks everyone for adding your reports on a fantastic evening. That was good thinking to post up the whole program Elaine, for those who weren't able to go.
  21. It was great to see Gareth get such a good write-up in This Is Plymouth. He has never tended to get too good press down this way as its where Will went to Uni and the press have always been very pro-Will so this was great to see for a change. Thanks for posting up the link.
  22. That's a brilliant review Floz. Thanks for posting it up. I totally agree with them. For me Jonathan Ansell was definitely the weak link last night. With the exception of Gethsemane his other songs were quite lacking and he looked decidedly untidy in his aparrel compared to Gareth.
  23. Had a fabulous time last night. I really don't know how Gareth manages to improve on the perfection of his voice, but he does it every time. He was absolutely outstanding and incurred an ovation every time he came on stage which the others didn't manage, although they were all very good, especially Emma. It was a surprise when we saw on the Programme that Gareth was going to be singing Unchained Melody although we should perhaps have guessed as its from Ghost, but I have to say despite always loving the way he sang it in the past, he did it even better last night. You could have heard a pin drop in the audience and he got a huge applause afterwards as he did with every other song he sang. There was a wicked grin on his face in the duet he did with Rachel and he even showed the acting skills he's perfected so well. Was a spectacular night. Can't add much more to what Snowdrop has said, as she's done it so eloquently. The stage door was totally manic. I don't think I've ever seen one so busy. Unless we had pushed our way through, which I wasn't prepared to do, we couldn't get anywhere near Gareth. It was even impossible to take pictures of him signing for others, until a young girl took a pic for me. Don't know how they manage to get the camera in focus from so far back and so high above their heads. Gareth went in after less than half the crowd had got their pictures and signings, but he would have been there for hours if he'd waited till everyone had. It was a lovely surprise when sitting having our drink afterwards to see him and others appear on the balcony where we'd been having our drinks before the show. Suzanne looked gorgeous as usual and it goes without saying how fabulous Gareth looked. There was about 20 or 30 of them on the balcony including Matt Daines and they all seemed to be having a lovely wind down time together. Something they really deserved after such an amazing show. Hope Gareth will do more of these kind of shows as they are my absolute favourite performances from him.
  24. Vivienne is a fantastic photographer. We've shared her pics on here before. I think she may have done the official pictures for the MM launch on Monday. Here is the link to the page http://www.facebook.com/#!/StarsInFocusPhotographyByVivienneVincent
  25. Another article on Leeds Pride. They are very pleased to have got Gareth to perform there. http://www.gscene.com/news/Gareth_Gates_to_headline_Leeds_Pride.shtml
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