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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Thanks for telling us about your day Barbiegirl. I'm glad you managed to get home in time to make another visit to the show.
  2. Some lovely pics on Rex there Chris. Particilarly love the ones where Gareth is sat at the piano. Wonder if he's going to play it at all in the show.
  3. Nice pic of the cast from today's rehearsals http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=92168995&l=e35a731526&id=128463793873180
  4. What a brilliant report Elaine. Enjoyed reading it and recalling the day. Your pic with Gareth is lovely. I'd love a copy of the pics you and Brain took outside please. Thanks for not posting it publically. Didn't like to ask you not to but was hoping you wouldn't.
  5. Am still laughing at this! What would we do without you Val.You have my thanks too for making the say so much less stressful, not having to remember tickets and so on. Mind Doris is a very good back-up when you're not available. I forgot to mention Richard Lowe, but I do agree with you both. He was very good.
  6. Can't really add anything more about the show than has already been said. I thought the scene changes were very clever and very slickly done. As for the show itself, I actually enjoyed the second half better than the first if I'm honest, even though Gareth didn't sing much in the second half. The music wasn't really my cup of tea but I can see how it would appeal to the younger fans. Thought Gareth's acting was spot on. Far more convincing than the rest of the cast with the exception of Eliza Hope Bennett (Hollie) who I thought was fantastic. The rest I thought were perhaps trying a bit too hard with their emphasis. Wasn't at all keen on Chris Hardman. His character really irritated me. We saw Gareth after the show and had a few words with him. In his words his cold is `so-so' but to me I would never have known he had one if he hasn't said he did. (lol) Also saw Suzanne and Missy along with Jessica, waiting patiently for him to get through his pics and signings. Suzanne was lovely and Missy was occupying herself at the childrens play area, where was she preparing pretend vegetables on a chopping board, ready to `make soup for her Daddy'. She gets more adorable every time I see her. Had a lovely day and want to thank everyone in our party who made it possible for me. It was also nice to see Elaine, Muireen and their hubbies both before and after the show. Looking forward to seeing you all again on Thursday, along with anyone else going,for MM. .
  7. That is another really lovely interview Chris. Really enjoyed reading it and the interviewer certainly got in all that has happened in Gareth's life previously, which is great. .
  8. Romantic Comedy, Musical Fun and Gareth. What more could you want http://www.banburygu...l-fun-1-4055967 Published on Friday 13 July 2012 13:52 INTERNATIONAL award-winning hit Legally Blonde The Musical is coming to the New Theatre, Oxford. The all-singing all-dancing romantic comedy is appearing in Oxford from July 17-21 and is looking to be a huge hit with Gareth Gates and Jennifer Ellison the latest celebrities to sign up to star in the show. Legally Blonde The Musical has received huge critical acclaim and has won seven major awards including the coveted Best Musical 2011 at the Olivier Awards. The Daily Telegraph has described the musical as being “Right up there alongside Mamma Mia and Hairspray” and it is set to continue this success in Oxford this month. The musical tells the story of pretty but dumb Elle Woods, who when dumped by her boyfriend Warner decides to follow him to Harvard Law School and win him back. With some help from her new-found friends Paulette, Emmet and her pet chihuahua Bruiser, she learns that it is so much better to be smart. The show is directed by Jerry Mitchell who has won both the Tony Award and the Olivier Award for previous musicals. It has an all-star cast including Faye Brooks, star of Grease in the West End, who plays Elle; and Iwan Lewis as Emmett. Lewis has also starred in the West End in Fame and Passion at The Donmare Warehouse. Pop star Gareth Gates and actress Jennifer Ellison will join the cast as characters Warner and Paulette.
  9. Your report is amazing SarahJane and your pics fantastic. You are nuts, but like I said on Facebook a loveable nut. Glad you had such a lovely time at the show and meeting Gareth again. You'd never know he has such a nasty cold in those pics. He looks fantastic. Thanks for taking the time again to write this and upload your pics.
  10. That was a lovely refreshing interview. Enjoyed reading it. Thanks for the link Snowdrop.
  11. Lovely article with Gareth, talking about Momentous Musicals. http://www.timeandleisure.co.uk/whats-on/previews/1886-momentous-musicals.html
  12. According to this tweet Gareth has been confirmed for Leeds Pride this year on 5th August If you missed it. GREAT NEWS! The wonderful Gareth Gates confirmed for Leeds LGB&T Pride Aug 5th http://t.co/HLuUdyB1 Bit of info about this here http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/gareth-gates-comes-home-gay-pride-performance100712
  13. What a fantastic report again SarahJane. So glad you were able to go to see the show again. Loved reading all the details of your day and I'm not surprised Gareth wanted a picture of your jacket. You did a great job sewing on those letters. Will keep an eye out to see if he puts it on his Twitter page. Such a shame your coach was delayed, but glad you got home safely eventually. Your pictures are lovely.
  14. Thanks June. You lucky thing going for the second time. I love to read about the young fans mobbing Gareth. Glad you had a good time and thanks for showing us your pictures. Gareth looks as lovely as always.
  15. I rrealy enjoyed reading your report Barbiegirl. Everyone seems to be on one opinion, that this is a really good show. Looking forward to seeing it myself next week. Glad your husband enjoyed himself too, you may get him to go again now.
  16. Thanks Heather. That's a good review especially as everyone who has been so far say Gareth is in the first half a lot more than the second. I'm trying desperately hard to catch up with all these reviews before I lose my internet connection again tomorrow, so thanks to all who have found them,.
  17. Thanks for telling us about your day Cris. Glad you managed to meet Gareth before watching it. Looking forward to seeing it myself soon.
  18. Thanks Floz. Gareth looked a little self-conscious walking through the streets in his costume. Lovely video though and he looks great in that costume. Best he's had yet I think.
  19. Lots of great feedback from this show. Really looking forward to seeing it for myself. Thanks for keeping us up with all those tweets Khelda.
  20. The Marlowe have posted up this picture from the Panto launch
  21. Thankyou for your great report SarahJane. Sounds like you had another fantastic day seeing Gareth. The show sounds really good and I really can't wait to go see it. Love all your pictures and your outfits look great.
  22. What a great detailed report of the show. I really enjoyed reading it all. This is what I love to watch when I go anywhere to see Gareth. I much prefer to stand back and watch him with his young fans. And there does seem to be more and more returning and not afraid to say they still love him even after all these years. Thanks very much Snowdrop for typing up all those details from the show. I still have a couple weeks before I will get to see it.
  23. Thanks for that Heather. That should give me plenty of time to get back to the station.
  24. I hope you'll post up your pics Katie. Look forward to seeing them. Can tell by your report what a good time you had. I'm sure Heather didn't mind you laughing so much. Quite a different character part for Gareth to play. He seems to be very versatile in what he can do. I knew his acting would be good.
  25. What a great picture that is. Love the cheeky look on gareth's face. Thanks Floz.
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