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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Thanks for your great report Heather. I'm so glad you all had a good time at the show. Can't wait to go myself. That shuttle bus sounds good as when I go its going to be all in the same day there and back and won't leave me much time before or after the show. Can you tell me roughly what time the matinee finished so I can gauge how much time I'll have to get my train back. I thought maybe Maria and SarahJane had gone today as I didn't see Maria around. Looking forward to reading their reports.
  2. Thanks Maria. Some nice shots of Gareth on this new trailer. I'll post the actual YouTube video
  3. Thanks Snowdrop. Just read that. Already one snide comment, but I hope there won't be too many like that.
  4. I listened to it again this afternoon and enjoyed it every bit as much as I did the first time I listened to it. Really was a fantastic interview.
  5. Thanks for letting me know Heather. I've replaced the other link now.
  6. WYPlayhouse have uploaded a video with short clips from the show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kjJosN79hc&feature=player_embedded I've replaced this with the YouTube link as the other one was taken off.
  7. PI star sets off for Loserville http://www.morleyobserver.co.uk/lifestyle/entertainment/pop-idol-star-gareth-sets-off-to-loserville-1-4638397#.T9hkXq91SBc.twitter
  8. Thanks for finding the page to listen to some of the tracks Snowdrop. Sounds like a very fun album. Nice review too.
  9. You can now order a signed copy of Three Little Pigs - Stiles & Drewe featuring Gareth, through Dress Circle As this link was no longer available, have entered a new location to buy the CD/download http://www.simgproductions.com/Records/The_Three_Little_Pigs.html
  10. Lovely personal video message from Gareth http://www.wyp.org.uk/about-us/our-blogs/back-stage-blog/loserville/personal-message-from-gareth-gates/
  11. Hi Heather. Good to have you with us at last. Thanks for giving us a bit of an insight into Legally Blonde and where the video clip was from. Two badies in a row for Gareth then, that should see off his good boy image for him. I hope you're going to stick around and join in our rather basic discussions on Musical Theatre.
  12. I think I feel the same Heather. Wasn't too keen on the music I heard on that video. Still I'm sure it will sound better with Gareth singing it and Jennifer Ellison has a better voice than the girl singing in that production. Have you any idea which production that was from?
  13. How fantastic to read this about Gareth in an intervierw with James Bourne http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/lifestyle/arts-entertainment/music-and-gigs/celebrity-interview-james-bourne-1-4621270 He's certainly earning his stripes.
  14. Thanks Snowdrop. That's lovely to be able to keep. That's what I like about your videos. You never put anything up that isn't 100% right for Gareth.
  15. Just watched some of that video you posted up Heather. Its a show for the very young isn't it. Bit worried now.
  16. Gareth is still going to be doing Momentous Musicals even though he's signed to do Legally Blonde. They agreed to it before Gareth signed up for it.
  17. I hope they do let him off for MM. Would hate not to see him in that now.
  18. Yes, I read about the awards on one of the articles. I'm sure it will be more enjoyable being able to listen to Gareth singing. Apparntly its an all singing show again.
  19. Wonder who that was then. What was the actual show like. Any good?
  20. That would have been Ray Quinn wouldn't it Floz. If it was, I definitely agree with you. I think Ray is a terrible performer.
  21. Article on W@OS http://www.whatsonst..._medium=twitter And another in The Stage News http://www.thestage....ellison-cast-in Broadwayworld.com http://westend.broad...7-July-20120606# Backstage pass http://www.backstagepass.biz/2012/06/gareth-gates-and-jennifer-ellison-to.html?spref=tw
  22. Several people have tweeted this news including Shenton Stage The @Jellofficial is Jennifer Ellison. Fantastic news. I've now had this confirmed by Ali.
  23. There is also about a dozen words from one of Gareth's new songs. Can't really hear much of it but nice is there
  24. Thanks for posting this up Sylvia. Was just about to. How beautiful is it. Love Gareth singing this acoustically.
  25. I've not seen it before. Its a lovely picture. Thanks for finding it.
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