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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. It wasn't on on Friday Elaine. I listened right through to 10 o'clock and nothing. Think it may have been gone out the day before.
  2. Well found Floz. Hope there will be some more put up.
  3. Lovely little piece. Thanks Floz. Will post it on Twitter if that's OK.
  4. I did suggest to him that he tweeted the venue but not as a reply. He hasn't yet though.
  5. Thanks Snowdrop. Knew you'd do that for us once the iPlayer ran out. Great to be able to listen to it whenever we want.
  6. Another Q&A blog with Gareth to look forward to @Matt_hargraves Just preparing my questions for my video blog with Gareth Gates about #Loserville - look out for it on @WYPlayhouse backstage blog
  7. I've been told on very good authority that there are some tickets left for this gig on Friday. So wish I could get there. http://www.pizzaexpresslive.com/maidstoneBook.aspx?showId=32b030b4-54bd-48a4-8fa7-7d64ea553316&showDateId=5491
  8. Very exciting isn't it. I believe Gareth will be singing some of the new music at several other gigs he's going to be doing through the Summer. Meanwhile I'm looking forward to hearing about what he sings at Maidstone. I believe you're going aren't you Elaine. You'll have to take it all in and relay it back to us.
  9. Thanks for posting the new pic Sophie. I think its one that was left over from the shoot he did for the launch of the new Website. Very similar to those and the same suit.
  10. Thanks Maria. Looks like a pic from the photoshoot he did earlier when the Website was first launched.
  11. Thanks Katie. Very good opportunity for people who live close to Leeds to try to win tickets.
  12. Looks like Gareth may be singing a couple of his new songs at Maidstone on Friday. So wish it wasn't so far away for me. @Gareth_Gates finished writing new songs on Sunday with Pete... shall i play a couple on Friday in Maidstone?!
  13. Gareth will need all his dancing skills in this musical @WYPlayhouse Someone's been busy @N1CKW1NSTON @aaronsidwell @Gareth_Gates @eliza_h_bennett and all at #loserville Backstage: http://t.co/UPOhroVQ
  14. I asked on MM Facebook page if there was a chance of a recording of the show and they've said they're looking into it so to watch this space. (fingers crossed)
  15. Would be good if you could go on FB and add your suggestion Chris. The more different people who make suggestions the better it looks don't you think.
  16. The Booking page for Momentous Musicals has been updated with the new announcements. I'm not sure they had the list of songs on there before either. Can anyone remember?
  17. Few of the other people who are going to be in Momentous Musicals @danielboysExcited to be joining @Gareth_Gates, @JonathanAnsell, Emma Williams and Rachael Wooding for MOMENTOUS MUSICALS at the New Wimbledon Theatre
  18. Article in Your Local Guardian http://www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk/leisure/9719821.Gareth_Gates_to_appear_in_new_musical/
  19. It could go on till the next morning and it wouldn't be enough for me. I've been trying to find a way to narrow my choice down to one song all day and have failed hopelessly. I'm afraid i had to list about half a dozen.
  20. Momentous Musicals are asking for suggestions for songs you'd like to hear Gareth sing at the show. Might be an opportunity to hear sing some of our favourite songs.
  21. Thanks for the thumbs-up. I still couldn't see the star at first because as I hadn't favoured it, it was still black. Done it now.
  22. How do you favourite it on the iPlayer Snowdrop? I've listened to it on there several times, but I can't see how you do that.
  23. I've heard him say that a few times too and thought it must be a northern thing. Heather will probably know.
  24. I've just listened again to the interview. Its so impressive and noticeable how much more confident Gareth sounds during intervirews now. He even cuts in slightly before the interviewer has quite finished (not rudely, but you know what I mean) like most people do. Something he never did before. Its great to listen to this much more confident Gareth. He's worked so hard to get to this place.
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