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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Changes is on there Inge, but almost at the end of the playlist. Don't think Angel On My Shoulder was ever uploaded to YouTube was it. Is anyone able to do it now? It seems a shame that that one should be missing. I have to say though, it would be better if the singles were to play at the beginning of the list rather than at the end. And it still starts off with the amateur fan video when you go through to the YouTube channel, even though its showing the Sky News interview when when you first click on the Video section.
  2. Thank goodness all Gareth's music videos from his singles have now been uploaded onto the new site. Makes it look a bit more like an OS for a musician rather than a fan site. Still several inferior video recording where much better quality ones were available, but I suppose you can't have everything.
  3. I've spent all afternoon trying to make sense of the music section, to no avail. To come on here and see my thoughts echoed by so many people makes me even more sad for Gareth. Can't put into words how disappointed I am for him and his beautiful music. I've been a fan of Gareth's for ten years and for me its always been about the music and I'm sorry to say what's been put on this fantastic site will make him a laughing stock. (as if he hasn't already had enough of that in the past). Just feel like crying for him as I'm sure this couldn't have been what he wanted.
  4. I've only had a chance to have a very quick look at the new site as I've only just got home from work, but I have to say I'm a bit disappointed in the videos. When Ali told me there were going to be videos, I assumed she meant all the fantastic recordings from Gareth's releases and the brilliant ones that people have put up from his Musical Theatre songs, but the ones on there are very disappointing. There is more than one if you click on the arrow at the side, but only one of them, (the recording on Oceana) is a really high quality video which is what Gareth needs on his site if its to do him any benefit. As it is it makes the whole site look amateurish. Love the Question and Answer section and the photos are really lovely. Haven't really looked at anything else yet.
  5. Sorry Janice I did post a thread for this, but didn't realize you'd already started one. Fantastic news and news we've been waiting so long for. I wonder if the intention all along was to launch it in time for all the Hair news. Can't wait to see what its like. Think it will be fantastic.
  6. Really would love to be back to last Sunday and just starting to watch this concert. Just read a lovely mention of Gareth in this report but I can't see a way to just post a link to the one report, so its right at the bottom by bob8rich. There are a few other very nice mentions as well http://westend.broadwayworld.com/board/printthread.php?thread=1039413&boardid=3# Saw this last night and it was A-MAZ-ING. Fabulous and clever lighting that created the perfect atmosphere and superbly staged by Drew Baker. And, of course, there was Schwartz's oustanding score. The performances were all pretty terrific with with a few that were seriously stunning. Gareth Gates's vocals on Lost In The Wilderness were superb; Brenda Edwards blew the roof off the house with Ain't It Good; Anton Stephans was a brilliant Father - immense stage presence and powerful vocals. And Lauren Samuels as Yonah and Louise Dearman as Eve showed that they are world class MT divas. One of the best nights I've ever spent in a theatre - and I doubt I'll see much better than this in the whole of 2012. Honestly can't find enough superlatives to describe it.
  7. COE have got an auction on eBay to bid for the pictures which were on sale on the night (unfortunately we didn't realize they were being sold until after the show and it was too late then). They replied to someone on Twitter who asked why they didn't have one up for Gareth or Oliver and they've just said their ones were all sold on the night. Bit of a bummer, but shows who was in demand.
  8. Apparently Gareth did make an appearance after the show on Sunday. Vivienne a lady on Facebook who is a huge musical theatre fan managed to meet him and take a few pictures of him. I'm sure she won't mind me posting them up here, but I won't post the one she had taken with him.
  9. Thanks for drawing my attention to the other video Heather. I'd completely missed that there was another one. And thank you Ramona and Linda for finding it. Really enjoyed this one especially the bit at the end where Gareth was presenting the award and the runner-up and the lady comparing wouldn't let him go. Bet it made the compare's day when he picked her up.
  10. Great report Doris. You've said all the things I forgot to mention like the orchestra and choir or on the stage. I thought it was beautifully done. Had to laugh at your sons comment. Is that the one who you told me is always encouraging you to go to see Gareth. Have to agree with you Snowdrop. Gareth is certainly letting everyone see that he's prepared to work hard to earn his stripes so to speak. I also think concerts like this one shows how good he is at adapting to anything. As Doris said that certainly couldn't be said for some of the performers who had trouble staying in key once or twice, although most of the time they were fine. Nothing like that happened with Gareth or with Brenda. Every note was spot on.
  11. A piece written here about the show by Shenton Stage. Don't think this man had much good to say about Gareth when he was first in Les Mis but it seems his opinion is slowly being changed. http://blogs.thestage.co.uk/shenton/2012/01/a-labour-of-love-and-a-love-of-theatrica/ This is the paragraph where he mentions Gareth
  12. I'm so glad you're back home safely Doris. You must be shattered. Your son must have been frantic waiting to come pick you up from the station.
  13. Thanks for those great reviews Chris. How wonderful to see people saying such lovely things about this extremely talented young man. I think Doris could have done with you there today more than any other Val. Euston Station was closed because someone was killed on the line and she was diverted to a different station. I think she's probably only just getting home now.
  14. You could be right Linda. I'm not very good with names and I heard Schonberg mentioned, but it may not have been him. Thanks for the links to the pictures Chris. The angle they were taken from could well have been the ones the lady in front of us took. Nice ones of Gareth at the party too.
  15. The show was absolutely amazing. So glad we made our last minute decision to go. The first act was stolen for me by Gareth and Louise Dearman. Gareth's voice just gets better every time I see him. He sang four times in all which was more than I was expecting so that was a bonus. His acting and speech was flawless. John Wilding looks to be a qute promising actor but he didn't have much singing and I found his voice a bit wanting as I did Oliver Thornton, but the acting was superb. Act two wasn't as good performance wise for me, but I was very impressed with Brenda Edwards voice and she was very popular with the audience, Gareth didn't appear at all in the seond act until the curtain call. There was a speech at the end from Schonberg where he thanked everyone for giving their time to the Crohns & Collitus Charity. He then handed over to the person there to represent the charity but I can't remember his name. When Schonberg stepped back towards the rest of the cast, he immediately went to Gareth and shook his hand and spoke to him. He then shook hands with two other actors and turned back to speak again with Gareth. Also when he had been speaking, you could see the admiration for him on Gareth's face, moreso than any of the other actors. There was someone sat in one of the boxes just in front of us who videoed the whole show and a lady with him taking what looked like professional pictures, As we went out I was very cheeky and went over and asked the man if he'd been filming for a DVD. He said he was doing it for the producer and didn't think he'd have the rights to release a DVD but you never know. We hung around for a while to see if Gareth was going to come out, but one of the theatre staff told us that the cast were meeting the peopoe who paid for the executive tickets and would then be having a party so wouldn't be out until after 11, so we didn't wait. We had seen Gareth on his way into the theatre just after 6 o'clock and he was lovely and friendly so we didn't really mind not seeing him again. He looked amazing as usual with a fantastic tan. I joked with him about not getting that good a one in one week's holiday and he laughed and mentioned the dreaded sunbed. He arrived at the theatre with Russell Grant and Louise Dearman so we thought they must have been out for some food together. Forgot to say earlier, Russell was very funny as the Snake. Enjoyed his role with the dancers. We saw Ann and her husband a couple of times both before the show when she had her picture taken with Gareth and again afterwards. She was still making poor Peter wait to see if Gareth did make an appearance when we left. Did it work Ann? Or did you give up in the end? Was lovely seeing and chatting with you both.
  16. Couldn't go without watching it. Gareth is on fron 19.30 mins until 39 mins, He even took a pic of himself while he was singing.
  17. I've just seen several people on Twitter saying they'd watched Gareth present the award at Blackpool on Webcast. Haven't got time to search it out as off to CofE but if anyone finds how to watch it would love to see it when I get home. Looks like this was taken at the awards Us and @Gareth_Gates x http://t.co/9Tb1BXUc Just found a link to the Webcast but its nearly an hour long so I'll have to wait to watch it. http://www.onlinedancer.co.uk/
  18. Thanks to a lovely friend, I am now going to Children Of Eden on Sunday. I'm really looking forward to spending a wonderful day in London and seeing the concert which I think is going to be fantastic.
  19. I've just looked Elaine and there still seems to be tickets available.
  20. Couple more nice tweets Great day of rehearsals for #cofe & a chance to see @Gareth_Gates @LouiseDearman @oliverrthornton rehearse!Great to be part of this project! @Gareth_Gates Wasn't the day a triumph? When we were standing still, with our books in our hands that is.....
  21. Thanks for finding that Floz. It was nice to see that.
  22. Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates First day of Rehearsals for Children of Eden :-)
  23. Thanks for telling us about this Elaine and thanks for the link Floz. Enjoyed seeing Russell talking so enthusiastically about Gareth. That song sounds spectacular.
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