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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates Opening night last went amazing! Today's matinee is going well (considering how much alcohol was consumed last night!!)
  2. Not me. Have to wait until after Christmas before I go. I hope you enjoy it though Elaine. Is it Saturday or Sunday you're going?
  3. I think I may be able to manage to take some video, its the getting it on the computer I don't think I'll manage. And yes Maria, you did help me to make up my mind.
  4. Well, I've taken the plunge and am going. Think I might take your advice and take a pillow with me Maria, so I can have a sleep. Only problem with that is I have two changes and may sleep past my stop.
  5. I've almost convinced myself to go Chris. Just need to see if I can get booked into a hotel now. Getting very excited at the prospect of not just one but TWO 45min acoustic sets.
  6. I think we must have posted at the same time there Heather.
  7. He's been on that sunbed again. Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates A quick Sunbed before heading back to MK for a week of tech. After all I am playing Aladdin!
  8. Very tempted Maria. Just wish it wasn't quite so far. over 4 1/2 hours on the train by myself.
  9. Some very good deals there Chris. Erm? Should I or shouldn't?
  10. Thanks Heather. These Performing Arts schools are really taking off aren't they. Maria, I don't actually think Gareth has too much of a fake tan on that picture. At least it doesn't look too much on my screen. Its not your colour is it?
  11. This was tweeted by Anna Huxy. Nice pic. @gareth_gates just found this pic of when I sqw you in New York in january after we got off the plane hahaha http://t.co/wUarMDSs
  12. This picture was posted by Leigha Yates on Twitter. Not sure where she got it from as I don't think its one Gareth has posted before I like this one better than the one he's using as his Profile pic,
  13. Thanks for the link to that synopsis Doris. Was an interesting read. Confirmation now on Gareth's Facebook and Twitter Gareth Gates Appearing in Children of Eden at the Prince of Wales theatre on 29th January - for more info and tickets: http://www.childrenofeden.co.uk/ x redirecthttp://www.childrenofeden.co.uk/
  14. Just found this. Tickets look to be on sale now. http://www.tonygreen.co.uk/cofeweb/ Gareth is playing the role of Cain.
  15. Thanks Chris. Hope we can get to go to this and that Travelodge sounds very reasonable. Will keep an eye out for that press release.
  16. Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates Had to cancel my Radio 2 interview this morning due to a migraine :-( booooo bs!
  17. Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates Had to cancel my Radio 2 interview this morning due to a migraine :-( booooo bs!
  18. Gareth has just tweeted this. Hope we get to find out when it will be aired. Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates Driving back to London for Radio Interview with Aled Jones Radio 2 and a shoot for 'Hair' in the morning.
  19. Someone's just told me the Aled Jones show is on between 7-9 on a Sunday morning, but wondered if he was standing in for Elaine Page as she's away at the moment. I think the Hair shoot probably is a photo shoot don't you.
  20. Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates Driving back to London for Radio Interview with Aled Jones Radio 2 and a shoot for 'Hair' in the morning.
  21. Posted by Sadie Stewart. There's a bit of Gareth speaking at 12 mins into the video PART 2 of 'Life of Sadie Stuart (Featuring @Gareth_Gates)' IS HERE! http://t.co/yRyT3BeG
  22. Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates Just switched the Christmas Lights on in a lovely little town called Bletchy with @Nicola_brazil Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates ...and now our driver is educating us on the history of Bletchley... Zzzzzzz !
  23. They can't have been there for very long Heather. Those ones from Derby were only put up after the lights in Derby last week. Actually looking again, I'm not sure it was Gareth's people who added those. They're only showing up on his @ replies for me. I think someone else has added them.
  24. I was going to be staying with my niece in Bournemouth so no train or hotel booked. Hopefully provided work doesn't get in the way, my nephew will be able to take me and pick me up from the venue in February, so not too much of a hassle for me either. Will be something to look forward to after a drab January as well.
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