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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. I'm hoping to be able to. Reconnected have posted the new date for Gareth's gig on Facebook and there have already been several people saying they will be able to go on that date, but couldn't this week, so it may turn out better for Gareth in the end.
  2. Thanks for posting that Khelda. At least we know a new date to look forward to.
  3. Ali has just posted this on Facebook and Twitter. Absolutely devastated but when she told me the reasons I completely understand.
  4. What you've found sounds fantastic Snowdrop. I think it was just the name of the concert and the fact that Gareth did something like that before that made me think it could be something similar, but if its more like you've said, even better. Gareth is certainly building up his credibility now. Really hope its not priced out of our reach.
  5. The people who posted the info are a Musical Youth group Doris. They said it is a Charity event, which I presume is performed by children with guest stars. Didn't Gareth do something like this last year or the year before if I remember rightly. I vaguely remember some of the children tweeting about how lovely it was to perform with him. I think this might be a nice thing to go to.
  6. Gareth to appear in a concert portraying the `Children of Eden' in January, along with some very big WE stars and a very well known writer Stephen Schwartz, who wrote the musical. There are also more star names to be announced. Hope we can find out more about this to keep us going until its officially confirmed.
  7. These Uggs are getting to be quite a talking point. @Ginasherpa @mikeychoiUK how long did you have to wait for him to sign all those autographs? Hope the uggs aren't out..far too sunny @mikeychoiUK @ginasherpa not too long! Everyone was nice! Unfortunately the Uggs seem to be back...!
  8. Tweeted by Katiemms @Gareth_Gates can't believe you just said I'm a good singer ahhhhhhhhhhh I nearly died
  9. Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates Aboard the Ferry to Isle of White for a gig at The Shanklin Theatre. With @mikeychoiUK ... Uh oh!!
  10. Tweeted by Mikey Choi http://t.co/trcdZ8qO - ROADTRIP!! (Though where the f#*k is @Gareth_Gates's hands...steering wheel?) Mikey has assured me they were NOT moving at the time.
  11. Thanks for posting the pic up Heather. I still can't post them at the moment. Gareth looks a lot like Charlotte from side ways on doesn't he.
  12. His hair didn't look like it needed cutting to me in the last pic Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates My idiot driver was SOOOOO late picking me up... Now I'm late for my hair cut with @KieronWebb ...sorry mate!
  13. Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates Yes, me & the leg-end Zoe Birkett r once again joinin forces 2 provide entertainmnt 4 the masses! This time in the form of the musical HAIR!
  14. Gareth at his bowling game yesterday. Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates Last nights Bowling antics! http://yfrog.com/odrltuj
  15. Some lovely pictures of Gareth on this link I had sent to me. Gareth starts at no 64 if you use the slideshow button and there are some more from 94 http://uk.tilllate.com/en/photoalbum/overview/10589257#175258071
  16. Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates my acoustic set at the Shanklin Theatre on Friday will include a couple of musical numbers and some old... http://fb.me/OlYOVgkK
  17. Gareth's pledge to his fans. Also this event will tie in with Chrildren In Need http://www.iwcp.co.uk/news/news/gareths-pledge-to-his-fans-41604.aspx
  18. Seems he meant he'd had one too many last night Heather. Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates @LadyWilloughby yep!! I feel sorry for the guy sat nxt to me! I smell like a Brewery!
  19. Not sure what this means, but it was posted by iRadio on Twitter They also gave a link to their Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=677659&l=1b7c357db7&id=179573255437092#!/pages/iRadio/179573255437092?sk=wall
  20. Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates Come to "Acoustic gig Stratford up Avon" 18 December Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates Come to "Acoustic gig Lichfield" Friday, 17 February 2012 from 19:30 to 22:30. Time TBC. Ticket details to come. http://fb.me/165nMxFtz
  21. Another confirmation Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates Come to "Acoustic gig Stratford up Avon" 18 December from 21:00 to 00:00. 2 x 45 min Acoustic set. http://fb.me/RXS8Hl9b
  22. Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates Come to "Acoustic Gig Isle of Wight" 18 November from 20:00 to 23:00. http://fb.me/PSY3lRnE
  23. Now confirmed by Gareth Gareth_Gates Gareth Gates Come to "Acoustic Gig Isle of Wight" 18 November from 20:00 to 23:00. http://fb.me/PSY3lRnE
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