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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Well, all Gareth's secrets are coming out now
  2. Links to Gareth's Twitter and Facebook pages have now been added to the Holding Page http://garethgates.com/
  3. Another impressed passenger, in reply to Jade's previous tweet
  4. Not sure if you can see these pics unless you're a friend of Lyn's, but she's put up some pics of the Cruise Ship. http://www.facebook....&type=1
  5. The girl confirmed it was taken on the cruise. She had a fabulous weekend she said.
  6. That was lovely to watch again Chris. Thanks for finding it and posting it up again. That was a very nice interview with Gareth and he spoke very articulately in it.
  7. Not sure where this was taken, but I think it may have been on the cruise, so I'm popping it in here for the moment. I've asked where it was taken but won't be home this morning to see if she replies
  8. Is there a TV channel that feeds back information from Parliament? Hope we can find out what he speaks about.
  9. Me too Laura. We're all going to go ballistic when it finally goes live.
  10. I swear he does it on purpose so we don't get any sleep. Anyone got any idea what time this is likely to take place on Wednesday? Not being very politically minded I have no clue as to the proceedure.
  11. Sorry I didn't realize we already had a thread. I've been having so many problems with my internet connection, it took me about 10 minutes to post the new thread. I think you could be right about one of those two suggestions. What an achievement for him to have been asked to do this.
  12. What a very interesting tweet. Thought it would be nice to have a new thread, to discuss what he may be talking about and for feedback once its happened.
  13. He sang the same songs as he has at the gigs. Someone Like You, Sweet Child Of Mine, Sex on Fire and some others as well as those of his own songs posted earlier.
  14. I think that probably was the case Khelda.
  15. I think you'll find they are. This is a very friendly and well run site.
  16. I had a message from a friend who was on the cruise ship with Gareth. She has given me permission to post her message on here. Sounds like a fantastic night. I'll post up the pics when she puts them on. I suppose he did the shows all in the one evening, so he could have a bit of time to himself on the Saturday to enjoy his cruise. Here are some of the pics. Gareth looked really smart and handsome.
  17. Hoping for a few more details later Also from Laura Parry-Owens I haven't cut off the end of the message, that was all there was.
  18. Its a good job we have such a huge cataloge on here of Gareth's past history. I've noticed lots of people viewing the old threads since we knew the OS was going. There's loads of stuff on here that had disappeared from the OS. I think we should give our Admin and Moderators a huge pat on the back for the way they've built this site up over the years.
  19. Looks like Gareth is on his way to the ship.
  20. Love the ghost on the end of your post. Where did that come from. Edit: Just found it now in the emoticons. Has it always been there? I've never noticed it before.
  21. Love the picture they've used for the new page. Can't wait for the next few weeks to whiz by to see what the new site will be like.
  22. I've been promised pics and details when they get back.
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