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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Thank you Alison. I can tell you were a bit overwhelmed by being so close to Gareth. I think everyone feels like that the first time so close to him, I know I was. Felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest. Its so lovely reading a post from someone who hasn't met him before. The song-list sounds absolutely fantastic. I'm so envious of you hearing him sing those beautiful songs, but also so pleased for you.
  2. Welcome to the site Alison. Thank you for telling us about the gig at Prestatyn. So glad you got to meet Gareth and enjoyed the gig. The songlist sounds fantastic and similar to Maidstone.
  3. Nice interview with Gareth here. Definitely started the album http://www.facebook.com/note.php?created&&note_id=216936415022814&id=115459806178 This years Mr Battle was Pop Idol runner up, Gareth Gates. We were delighted to take care of Gareth duing his time here in Jersey and decided to find out a little more about his time here and plans for the future! How did you become Mr. Battle? I was approached by the organisers to be Mr. Battle and although I didn’t really know much about the festival I thought it would be a great experience and I’d give it a go ... it was a great decision! How are you finding Jersey? Jersey is a great place, I’ve really enjoyed it! What are you plans for your career in the future? I started writing my new album about 2 weeks ago, so I will be focusing on that now for a while to come. What would you say is your ultimate goal in terms of your career? I would love to have more number ones in future! Who would you most like to do a duet with? I would probably have to say a rock legend – such as Bon Jovi! What has been your highlight of the Battle of Flowers festival? The first night I arrived was great fun, I went to see all the Battle of Flowers floats before the parade and even helped put the finishing touches to a few of them! What do you like about Grand Jersey? The hotel Spa is great and the food is nice! The staff have also been really nice and friendly. What was it like for you going from being an aspiring singer to suddenly being recognised everywhere you went after Pop Idol? It was a bit of a shock to the system at first, but over the years I have gotten used to it! Have you ever been star struck by someone you’ve met? I was a little star struck when meeting George Michael! He was a really nice guy though …. And he has lovely eyes! Would you consider Jersey as a place for a holiday with your family? Definitely. I think it’s a really nice place and would love to come back with my family and possibly even buy a house here! We would like to say a big thank you to Gareth for taking the time to chat with us, and wish him all the very best for the future.
  4. Sounds great Linda. Can't wait to hear what happened and also what Gareth sang. Glad you enjoyed it.
  5. Thanks for the link Elaine and thank you and Linda for putting the numbers for the ones Gareth was in. They're lovely pics.
  6. Thanks for letting us know Hazzy. Nice to see you posting again. Have missed you.
  7. Thanks Floz. Great pictures. What a spectacular event this is. It must have been such a treat for Gareth to be involved with this.
  8. Nice find Chris. Wonder when it will start?
  9. I thought it was fantastic when I received yet another google alert for the Daily Mail article. That must be about three times now they've amended their article. Pretty much realized the error of their ways I think and not before time. They've got away with it for far too long. In actual fact I don't think this news about Gareth could have come at a better time for him. He's looking pretty responsible compared to so many other young people at this moment in time. My initial reaction when I saw that AOL page this morning was that it isn't worth bothering with. You can tell by the majority of comments that the author is pretty much considered a joke and by the general readers, and apparently always was. Anyone like that giving Gareth stick can only be good for him in the long run. Let him carry on making a fool of himself.
  10. That is really lovely. How nice to hear he's been the most popular Mr Battle's for years. Pity The Sun and the Daily Mail didn't read this article before printing their headlines.
  11. Have commented on the Sun article. I think a gentle reminder that Gareth is one of the youths of this country that are prepared to work for what they have is very much in order at this particular time.
  12. Lots of lovely pics there. Thanks Floz.
  13. BBC Channel Island News have posted up a video now. Slightly different to the other one. Gareth's hair was definitely bothering him in that wind http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150748150505230
  14. Gareth had uploaded two pictures on his Facebook page. The float looks beautiful in the second one.
  15. Looks like its gone now Floz, but not to worry as it was only just the Gareth bit of the video Doris posted up.
  16. Thanks Doris. That's a lovely video, much better than the small clip I put up.
  17. Digital Spy have picked up on this now and they've replaced UM with Sunshine http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/showbiz/news/a334627/gareth-gates-to-perform-on-po-cruise-ship.html
  18. Bit of a chat with Gareth on here http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=7552592&id=149206949696
  19. Yes she does Khelda. I wonder if Gareth offered her his jacket.
  20. It looks as though its a bit cold in Jersey.
  21. Another nice pic. Bit closer up this time. Gareth's hair seems to be getting blown aboujt. Bet he won't like that.
  22. I am in contact with a lady who is going on the cruise. She has promised to let me know all about it and what Gareth sings after she gets back.
  23. That's lovely Sue. It will be nice to have a DVD of the parade with maybe some of Gareth on there. If you find out any more details will you let us know please.
  24. I received that too Heather. They just can't help themselves with their digs can they. They make it sound like he's taken on a regular job as a cruise entertainer, rather than a one off gig. I agree though the actual article wasn't too bad. Pity they didn't say more about Les Mis though.
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