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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Gareth has been inhabiting the local chippy in Darlington. Got some time to fill in before tghe gig starts I suppose.
  2. After Dark, Bolton have announced this event. As yet unconfirmed by Gareth or his management. http://www.afterdarkbolton.com/ All details in this thread here http://garethpaulgates.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=8874&pid=114426&st=0entry114426
  3. This event has now been confirmed by Gareth on Facebook.
  4. Lovely and very true comment to Gareth on Twitter by @jamiewpugh These are the people who know what Gareth is really like, unlike a few others.
  5. That's what I was thinking Khelda. Not only the performance but how many opportunities to bump into him on the Cruise Ship. He may even be prepared to give a private rendition to calm our seasickness. Seriously though it sounds like heaven to me
  6. I thought this was a bit of a wind up when I first saw it, but Gareth's name has now been added to their page and the person who posted the tweet works for P&O Anyone fancy a weekend cruise.
  7. Thank you Maggie and Cris. It was good to hear what Gareth sang and where he appeared during the evening. Lovely to know he was supported once again by all his family and I'm pleased you got to speak to Wendy and Suzanne and to know that Gareth is feeling fine about everything at the moment. Not surprised he was so well received. Looking forward to watching your video clips Maggie.
  8. At part of Manchester Pride, Gareth will be appearing at the Cruz 101 Club at 10pm. http://www.manchesterpride.com/whatson/starship101 Join the discussion in the thread, or if you are wondering where it is, here's a map.
  9. Two new tweets from Gareth How badly are they losing
  10. Yes, I think that's what he meant. Its a horrible feeling the first time.
  11. http://garethpaulgat...=0
  12. Probably wouldn't have been able to do it anyway then as I don't use Photobucket. I always use the softward on here to upload any pics.
  13. Actuallty quite enjoyed the conversations Chris. Even used to walk around the course some times for important games. Needless to say it was a long time ago as you know how much I enjoy walking now.
  14. Comes from years of it being the main topic of conversation around the dinner table Chris, and whether it was a good round or a bad one
  15. Thanks for doing that Maria. Was it difficult to do?
  16. Have deleted now Sue when I saw you'd posted yourself. Don't know how to switch them around, but I hope someone will be able to. Would be lovely to have them on here. They are so lovely and so clear.
  17. I don't think this pic was taken at the golf Elaine. Looks more like a garden party to me.
  18. That's a nice pic. Having fun I see. What a surprise
  19. I know what its like. My husband was just the same. Always better than anyone else. Men and their Golf.
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