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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Livin On A Prayer, from Susan. http://www.twitvid.com/E5OVH
  2. I would have Heather. Could have pretended he was singing to me. As if! I preferred the Zutons version of the song to the one Amy Winehouse did, but I'm sure Gareth sang it best.
  3. I think it was Suspicious Minds Heather. I too would have loved to hear him singing Valerie. Love the song,
  4. Susan has put a few videos up on Twitter. I think she's Susie on here. http://www.twitvid.com/E5OVH - Don't Stop me Now http://www.twitvid.com/2U3EZ - Spirit In The Sky http://www.twitvid.com/E4SC1 - Chatting with the compare at the end.
  5. Thanks for telling us about your day at Dartford Elaine. It seems being the second event Gareth was at he was able to sing quite a bit more and spend more time afterwards/ Good to read he's still got the girls dreaming about marrying him.
  6. Glad you got home safely Cat. Was a bit worried about you driving all that way with nothing to eat. No worries how long it takes you to upload the videos. As long as we get them in the end and I expect we'll still get them before I figure out how to get my pictures up. It was lovely to meet you yesterday. Hope we'll get to meet again one day in better weather.
  7. Another short video from Lou http://twitter.com/Xxloulou22xx http://yfrog.com/641njz
  8. LouLou has posted up loads of pics on her Twitter page. Too many to post them all http://twitter.com/Xxloulou22xx
  9. From Nadine. Hope she'll tell me what the others were
  10. Very short bit of video but its sideways on. Posted by LouLou22xx on Twitter P http://yfrog.com/f3x2zz
  11. Gareth is definitely bringing back the old fans with these gigs.
  12. Looks like a pretty similar set. Wish we'd got to hear him sing Sweet Child Of Mine, though.
  13. Think I've just about dried and thawed out now. Your pictures are fantastic Inge. Don't know what you were on about them not being very clear. It was lovely to see you again after such a long time, Birmingham Les Mis was the last time I believe. And it was so lovely to meet you too Cat. Sorry I caused you a wasted trip to the Station. Cat has got all the set on video, but she had to drive back to Manchester when she left. Hope you got home safely Cat.
  14. Wow Khelda. You didn't waste any time. Just got in the door. Nightmare day for me. Train was delayed so I missed my connection. Consequently missed my lift from the station. Then after getting a taxi which dropped me off at the back of the queue of cars waiting to get in, because I thought it would be quicker to walk in (young lad said about 200 yards) only to find it took me over 20 minutes to get to the entrance and it was howling winds and torrential rain all the way. But after waiting for nearly two hours for Gareth to come on (he was 45 mins late arriving because of traffic) my day finally started to cheer up. Cat said she would video if I took pictures, which I did. Just have to get someone to get them on the computer for me. I'm sure she's got much more chance of getting the videos uploaded than I have and she filmed the whole of Gareth's set. One consolation, the sun came out just long enough for Gareth to perform then it went again. It was like magic, hardly any crowd until Gareth appeared then loads of people appeared from nowhere. The minutes he finished they disappeared again. Many thanks to Khelda and Frank for the lift back to the station, which made it possible for me to catch an earlier train. Not the best of days out to see Gareth, but he made it all worthwhile seeing and hearing him sing.
  15. The day has arrived at last Khelda. Looking forward to seeing you later and to hearing Gareth of course, but that goes without saying.
  16. That's the difference between a star and wannabee's Heather. Nothing stops Gareth where his music is concerned.
  17. Bit of an advert for Dartford, but not a lot about Gareth http://www.kentonlin...is_weekend.aspx
  18. Now you've said that Heather, I think I recognize the name. I hope she won't have minded me bringing it on here.
  19. Thanks for all your great info from last night Janice. Can almost imagine being there with what you've posted. So glad to hear that Pete is still with Gareth and I would have loved to hear him singing the Adele song in particular. Sounds like it was a great night. at the piano player going to the wrong place.
  20. That's fantastic Janice. Thanks for letting us know. Is Gareth still performing do you know? I thought it finished at 10.
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