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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. This sounds fantastic. Really hope June gets some of it either on video or even just sound.
  2. June told me she's going to try to get some video. Hopefully pictures but if not just audio, so hopefully we'll get to hear at least some of it. She's in the same boat as me, (getting it up on the computer after she's taken it), but I'm sure she'll sort it out. She's much more computer savvy than I am.
  3. Yes, they've been tweeting about this all day. Wish it was closer to here.
  4. Thanks Val. Such a shame you couldn't all get down for this one. I think its going to be a lovely day, with quite a lot of Gareth's fans going.
  5. An old one but a very nice one Floz. He had such a baby face back then. I've asked Ali on Facebook if she can confirm, but no reply yet.
  6. Don't know if there is anything to this, but someone has talked about it on Twitter and gave me this link to a Facebook event. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=219497611421284
  7. That's good. I'm sure Gareth will love it, especially when he sees all the hard work you've put into making it.
  8. Another interview. This time with Dane Bowers. Several mentions and glimpses of Gareth
  9. Gareth is Star Attraction at Bath http://www.thisisbath.co.uk/Gareth-Gates-star-attraction-racecourse/story-12899476-detail/story.html
  10. That was nice. Gareth seemed very relaxed speaking with Cheryl.
  11. Thanks Heather. There's a couple of pics of Gareth on here, really getting into his performance at Essex Polo http://www.flickr.com/photos/65152727@N06/5930258839
  12. I was going to ask you if it was Friday or Sunday you were giving it to him. I'm sure he'll love it.
  13. Don't think it will matter to us will it Khelda. Hope you're good with a camera. I'm going to attempt once more to take some video if its possible, but may need' yours or Franks help.
  14. Yes of course it was. I got them mixed up. Thanks for putting me straight Maria.
  15. Yes, it should be. Isn't this the one where they get the meet and greet from Gareth too. They'll have a ball.
  16. Lots of Gareth's young fans have been tweeting today to say they are going to Pizza Express in Maidstone on Friday. Should be very nice for him.
  17. Did anyone manage to catch this interview today? Can't see anywhere on the site where it says when or if it has already been broadcast.
  18. The Radio Presenter who tweeted yesterday to ask Gareth when he was going on his show had tweeted again saying he may be out with Gareth tonight. Hope he enjoys his Birthday celebration. From Adrian Clarkson
  19. I hope you have a great time at Pizza Express on Friday June. Please give my love to Vera. Look forward to reading your report.
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