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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Another nic pic of Gareth with two beautiful young ladies at the Polo http://yfrog.com/kj1yp4j
  2. BBC Radio Jersey speaking to Gareth about being Mr Battle http://audioboo.fm/b...bc-radio-jersey Lovely interview with Gareth managing to talk about everything he's achieved in his career over the last 10 years.
  3. Nice pic of Gareth, posted by Imogen Leaver on Twitter ABSOLUTE Gareth Gates @JoeyBevan @misscharholmes http://yfrog.com/kjyqvglj
  4. Nice article here with a few more details of the Golf tournament http://www.euroweeklynews.com/features/out-and-about/max-clifford-celebrity-golf-challenge-2011.html Love how they say the guests were entertained by Gareth Gates and his band.
  5. A` blink and you'll miss it' glimpse of Gareth on the very end of this video for OK. http://www.ok.co.uk/posts/view/37123/
  6. Thanks Doris. That's one of the most complete lists of Gareth's achievements I've seen written about him.
  7. This is really interesting. Thanks for posting up the link Sylvia and the article Khelda. Very nice one to read.
  8. I would think Gareth will have finished by 2.30, allow half an hour to get back to the station. Depends if you can get a train around then that will get you back to Southampton by 5. I hope you manage to get it sorted out.
  9. Its worth persevering Khelda, because the rest of the interview apart from that one word was lovely. Gareth seemed very relaxed and jokey.
  10. It was fine Khelda, until the interviewer asked him about what he was doing musically at the moment. It was just when he tried to say Les Mis. I think sometimes its the pressure Gareth is under not to give anything away that he shouldn't do. Loved how he was worried about his hair getting messed up if it rained.
  11. It was. Who was the dark haired lady on the phone, do you know? She looked like she was with them.
  12. I presume this pic is from this evening, so it looks like Gareth may have been performing as well as having a good day out. It was posted by tomwhacket on Twitter.
  13. Me too Heather. Hope he doesn't do it all the time. Lovely pics especially the third one.
  14. Where did you see the pic of Gareth Sophie? I can't see one.
  15. Have you looked into going Emily. It would be nice if you could go as well.
  16. Gareth gets a nice mention in this piece about the Polo match. http://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/9131547.EPPING__Sun_shines_for_celebs_and_families_at_Polo_Trophy/
  17. This lady has posted a pic in the VIP area which is where I presume Gareth is. Looks pretty swish. http://yfrog.com/kjifnutj .
  18. Are you staying anywhere near Bath Spa? I've booked a taxi from the station there to get to the venue.
  19. Scott Waldron has just posted this on twitter. He's the friend who did some of the designing in Gareth's house. Looks like Gareth is definitely at this Polo event. Also seems to be a pretty big event. And an earlier post by Matt Wonder if Gareth is doing anything or if he's just there for a good day out.
  20. Thanks for that Heather. I caught a few words from Gareth at the beginning of the 8 o'clcok show, but not as detailed as you've put up. I presume that will be all there will be. Was nice to hear his voice on the Radio again. I love that Gareth is going to be awarding some Scholarships. He is one of a kind.
  21. Thanks for scanning in the article June. I can't wait to find out what kind of music this new album is going to be, if according to the lady on twitter its going to be something `different'. Hope we get to hear some of it at Bath next week.
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