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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Thanks Heather. Good to hear talk about an album at last.
  2. That is a great article. Thanks for posting up the link Heather. Look forward to seeing if there is anything different in the actual newspaper.
  3. Well, thanks for trying June, but I'm afraid I have to agree with you. This was the problem Eternal had when we first got back from the Concert. As I'm sure she will tell you, she tried for months to get Sharon to contact her with no luck.
  4. Looks like it is definitely a Gates/Wilkes thing. Jonny Wilkes has just tweeted this.
  5. I rather thought it was just a venture by Gareth & Suzanne, which was just retweeted about by Gates/Wilkes.
  6. When I saw this Tweeted by Essex Polo I was a bit sceptical about it, seeing the names they'd included. I asked the person who tweeted it and they assured me it was fact. I've had a look at the event and it seems there may be some truth to it. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. http://www.dukeofess...om/book-tickets Not sure whether it means Gareth is performing at the event, or if he is in some way taking part in the Polo. It seems there is a celebrity shoot out before the actual match starts, so it could be that. http://www.dukeofess...p.com/programme
  7. Bit more from Gareth I hope we'll be able to fibd a link to listen-in.
  8. Gareth has just announced this on Twitter and Facebook Slightly longer message on Facebook Hope someone will be able to get the T&A and post up the article for us.
  9. OK Maverick If you'd rather I didn't I'll leave it. I've already posted the original link, so people can watch it from that.
  10. Wow! Thank you Maverick. Its much easier to listen to it on YouTube. Is it OK with you if I link to it on my Facebook page?
  11. Not going to this one, but definitely think the Sunday line-up is the best. With Michael Collings and New Bounce, as well as the Take That Experience and Glee Tribute. I think there may have been someone else I've forgotten to mention. Oh yes of course, Mr GARETH GATES. Thank goodness I shall be seeing him earlier in the day at Bath.
  12. I saw that June. We'll just have to keep our fingers crossed. Thanks for contacting Sharon.
  13. I have no way of contacting her either June. The only way is to post under her picture that she put on Gareth's Facebook page. Perhaps if you tell her on there what to do, she will then tell you how to contact her. Don't hold out much hope though.
  14. Looks like Gareth will have a nice group of fangirls after him at Dartford. I'm sure he'll love that
  15. I think they're Video files, but I'm not absolutely sure. In fact, yes they are because she was videoing right through the concert, until someone told her to stop. Be nice if we could get then on here.
  16. Emily, its about 10 minutes drive from Bath Spa station on a normal day. If the traffic is bad it may take longer. Again depending on the traffic, they estimate the cost at avbout £12. I shall be getting a taxi and the company I rang said there is a hotel facing the station where they can pick up for pre-booked taxis. Just need to let them know what time the train gets in and they will be there waiting for you.
  17. Yes, she is. She videod several of the songs, but she doesn't know how to download them from her Blackberry. Maybe you can help her June. Do you fancy contacting her on Facebook?
  18. Sharon, the lady who we sat next to at the Valentines concert in Birmingham has put the photo she had taken with Gareth up on his Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/GarethGates#!/GarethGates?sk=wall&filter=1
  19. I think these tweets may mean Gareth is at Gay Pride today. Reply from @TwiggerTen [/email] Bit of a strange thing to do, but nice to see he's hanging out with Elton John.
  20. He does make you laugh doesn't he.
  21. Someone who met Gareth last night at The Railway Children
  22. Couple of people have seen Gareth at The Railway Children The first one has worked with several other impressive people as well as Gareth. Another one
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