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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Someone on Twitter spotted Gareth in Bournemouth today http://yfrog.com/f5mxpyj
  2. Not Gareth, but who's the guilty one?
  3. I noticed that. He's certainly not one to blow his own trumpet is he. If only he would.
  4. Gareth has posted about the McGuire course
  5. Gareth is instructing on this course The McGuire Program have also posted a new blog http://www.queenshot...uire-programme/
  6. Not so sure the girl came back. Someone has just posted this on Twitter
  7. http://yfrog.com/71ay4wj Gareth trapped in the Sunbed shop
  8. This is it http://www.talksport.co.uk/radio/how-to-listen
  9. Anyone know which channel that's on?
  10. Killian has just posted this on behalf of lesmisofficial. http://yfrog.com/fkgjaj Hope it means Gareth has arrived safely
  11. Forgot to say thanks for posting this up. Another one to listen to every day
  12. Already found it I was going to put the link on Twitter if that's alright with you.
  13. How beautiful was that. Talk about perfection.
  14. I think Doris said that was shown on the end of last weeks Songs Of Praise. Thanks for finding it Eternal.
  15. Poor lad! I hope he's feeling better today.
  16. That could be the answer actually Linda. I've only looked on my Sky planner which updates automatically overnight Saturday to that may be why mine is showing up at 4.35. I'm going to get a local listing today to see what that says.
  17. That's really funny. Looks like they're having a real punch-up. Have you put it on YouTube?. I'd think that's the kind of thing that would go down really well on there.
  18. You've got to laugh at him haven't you. Do you really think it came from his nose?
  19. He's usually very careful not to do that
  20. I don't think it was quite as good as the Tour Heather, but I think that was down to the fact the Tour was the production I saw first and that set the standards for me The thing I disliked most was how dark everything was. There was very little colour in the whole show. In the opening scene I didn't notice Gareth as a convict at all. It wasn't until Doris said she'd seen him at the back that i knew he was there and I think that was because it was so dark. Just one little point for anyone booking. We only managed to get tickets quite near the back of the Dress Circle and I had to crouch down in my seat a couple of times because the scenery was very high and where we were we lost the top part behind the hangover a few times. Will definitely not be booking that far back in future. Also forgot to say in my report how good Rebecca Seale was as Fantine. Much preferred her voice to Madaleine's.
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