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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Great review. Thanks for posting it up. Its lovely to see Gareth's acting with Eponine mentioned in this one too.
  2. Snowdrop, I hope your recording went well. Gareth hasn't had chance to watch it yet and he's asking someone to put it up on Twitter
  3. It was just Cam Mac Floz. Micharel just said a few words to Gareth before he started singing. Michael said `I hope you know how close to my heart this song is' and Gareth said he did and that was why he was nervous having to sing it. Michael then said `No, I'm nervous, I've just heard you in rehearsal'. That may not be the exact words they used, but it was something like that.
  4. What an truly amazing performance. Absolutely pitch perfect. I had tears running down my face by the end of the song. What a star
  5. Had another great visit to Les Mis yesterday. Gareth was as usual fantastic and there was something a bit special about the show last night. I don't know if it was because it was the final show at the Lowry, but there seemed to be a whole lot of fun going on between the cast while they were on stage. Several times Gareth was finding it very hard not to laugh to himself as were some of the others. Laura Tebbut was on a Fantine and I must say I was very impressed with her voice and performance. In fact I've now seen three people playing Fantine and I preferred both Rhiannon and Laura's performances to Madaleina. We saw several members of the cast after the show and they were all lovely. I managed to get my program signed by The Thenardiers, Owain Williams (who is just lovely to speak to) Adam Linstead, Katie Hall, Rosalind James, who was also lovely to talk to. And then there was of course Gareth and John Owen Jones. My only disappointment was that I missed Earl Carpenter. Its wasn't until he was walking away that we realized it was him, He looks so different to the way he looks on stage (very handsome man). I was very impressed with the Lowry Theatre. Fantastic air conditioning and loads of leg room, plus the seats were the most comfortable I've ever sat in. It was great to see Gareth still having pictures taken with fans in the Lime Bar when we were eating in Bella Italia. His time between shows must have been severaly cut short I think, but he seemed to be enjoying it. He headed off wheeling his suitcase and carrying other luggage after the evening show and it looked as though he was headed to the car part for his car. It wasn't until he was gone that we kicked outselves for not offering to help him with his stuff Only got one visit left to see the show now. Think its going to be quite sad when that's over.
  6. Those are really great comments from Michael's fans. I'm beginning to think there's nothing that can hold Gareth back now. He's really proving his knockers wrong. You've got to go some to impress the most famous previous singer of the song.
  7. Just came to post that. Rather nice comment. Can't wait to see the show.
  8. He could hardly have had time to breathe
  9. Thanks for your great report Suzie. Pleased to hear Gareth impressed your workmates. He usually does once people really listen to him.
  10. That would be nice. I hope some people will be able to get there for the recording and bring back news.
  11. Thanks Heather. Great that Cam Mac is on too. Looking forward to watching it.
  12. Thanks for your lovely report Liz. I'd pleased you had a good time and such brilliant seats too.
  13. Michael Ball is going to be on This Morning, talking about his TV show. Don't know if he will mention Gareth on next weeks show, but it will be worth a listen just in case.
  14. I doubt it, if its on TV. We have some very efficient fans here Fingers crossed anyway
  15. Great pics Doris. Pleased you heard some lovely comments about Gareth. Not that I'm surprised
  16. So pleased about this. From Gareth's Facebook/Twitter
  17. Was great to read all that fun on there this morning Hope he keeps it up now he's started And did you see how many new followers he had yesterday. About 300 I think.
  18. She does and she is so slim it makes you sick.
  19. Yes, he was there and looked and sounded as fantastic as ever. He seems to be more comfortable in the role every time I see him. We went round the back after the show and stood across the road. Not that we'd have been able to get near him if we'd wanted as there was rather a large group of people waiting to see him. Owain Williams was on as Enjolras and Rhiannon Porter as Fantine. Must say I thought both of them were really good. I'm glad Rhiannon got her chance to play one of the leading roles. She's got a lovely voice and deserves her chance to star. Owain had a beaming smile on his face when he was at the stage-door. Think he may have been quite pleased with himself and so he should be. Finally got my CD as well.
  20. Hope he's feeling better soon
  21. Gareth's not performjing tonight I hope he's feeling better soon
  22. Thanks for typing all that up for us Katie. Was a lovely read. Love the pictures they used.
  23. Thanks for that Heather. Sounds really good. Are you able to post it all up for us to read please.
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