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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. :rolleyes:The release date has been put back again. Into September now
  2. Mikey Choi posted on Twitter that Gareth had sung at the wedding. I asked him what he sang and this was his reply
  3. No, JOJ didn't mention Gareth in his interview, but he hardly had chance to get a word in edgeways. I don't know who it was interviewing him, but he was a total idiot. I liked what Earl said about Gareth not going into the part expecting to be the big star. Shows he willing to put the graft in without the acclaim.
  4. Earl Carpenter was interviewed on BBC Radio Bristol this afternoon. He speaks quite a bit about Gareth at 21.20 mnutes into the show. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p008yjg0/The_Afternoon_Show_27_07_2010/
  5. That's why we all need to do it at the same time. He might notice then. I've started the ball rolling
  6. Thanks Heather. I've just been trying to post the pic up, but I never seem to be able to post those twitpics.
  7. Yes, I agree. I would have been a bit peeved if it had been the week I was going. Perhaps if we all bombard him on Twitter asking him to let us know of any holidays in advance, he may take the hint
  8. The young girls are showing their appreciation of performing with Gareth on Twitter Wonder how many more there will be.
  9. Just a couple of things that have come back to me. How lovely was it to see all the Year 11 students coming out of the theatre clutching their pieces of paper signed by Gareth. They were all so excited to have been performing alongside him. Also it was great to see Gareth when they were performing One Day More at the end of the show looking across at the two youngsters were singing the Thenardiers comedy bit and having a real laugh at and with them.
  10. Thanks for putting up your report Katie. I'm so pleased you found the courage to come to the show. It was lovely to meet you yesterday. Now you've done it once it will be easier next time, Thanks also for your report Lindajan.
  11. Les Mis Anniversary Tour Facebook have finally announced details of the release date Edit: now available to pre-order from Amazon <iframe src="http://rcm-uk.amazon.co.uk/e/cm?lt1=_blank&bc1=FFFFFF&IS1=1&nou=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=gpgfansitefor-21&o=2&p=8&l=as1&m=amazon&f=ifr&md=0M5A6TN3AXP2JHJBWT02&asins=B003Y73F6W" style="width:120px;height:240px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  12. Looks like he's on the way back to Paris Finally learned how to post a picture. Doesn't look too healthy either
  13. A fantastic studio version of Empty Chairs has been added to YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awb0XSbQXFk
  14. It does take a little while to download, but its well worth it. You have to put the four characters at the top of the page in before you can download Jenjo. Don't know if that is what your problem is. Gareth felt every single word he was singing there. He's such a fabulous performer, you can actually believe him to be in the situation he's singing about.
  15. Not watched this yet, so I don't know what the quality is like, but Philippe has posted up a video from this morning
  16. From a new member on the OS And this is Philippe's report of the show
  17. Philippe has posted a few pics from this morning on the OS
  18. Really enjoyed that. Gareth sang out of this world as usual. Such a shame his speech let him down today. I felt so sad for him. Loved Rosalind's singing. She's got such a beautiful voice. JOJ was fantastic as usual and he certainly had an advantage when being interviewed. Nice treat for a Sunday morning.
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