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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Thanks Heather. Its nice to know Suzanne and Missy are still up there in Scotland with Gareth :heart:
  2. I'm going with a few other people Katie. Not sure where we're staying yet. I think there are quite a lot of Gareth's other fans going as well.
  3. Did he really do that though Heather, or was he just letting everyone including the press know that Suzanne is in Edinburgh with him.
  4. Suzanne definitely there with him. He's no fool :laugh: Hope he didn't wake Missy as well :laugh:
  5. Figaro has posted this on the OS Hope JOJ makes it back in time for the recording :laugh: Anyone wanting to go, its too late now. Just looked on the site and its fully booked.
  6. When Gareth came out of the theatre last night armed with a bag full of flowers, he went rushing down the road and around the corner. We immediately assumed he was being picked up by someone, probably Suzanne and heading straight for Bradford as a stopover to Edinburgh. He certainly didn't have any of his other things with him, like the rest of the cast, so someone must have taken it out for him. Only a guess of course but it seems pretty logical to me.
  7. Why do people always assume Suzanne isn't with Gareth while he's on tour. As far as I can see she spends quite a lot of time with him wherever he is. Wouldn't be surprised if she's with him the whole time in Edinburgh as it will be a bit far to keep travelling to and fro.
  8. Just got back from Birmingham. Another great show. Gareth was fantastic as usual. A couple of nice remarks. The man sitting next to Chris had been to the show 10 times both in the WE and the Tour. I'll leave Chris to tell you all that he said, but he thought Gareth was good. He didn't think he'd quite got there with the acting yet, but his words were he's not been acting since he was a child like most of the cast `but he wil get therel' When we were waiting outside two police officers came along (one man and one woman) The woman said, `Ah Gareth Gates, I saw the show when it first came to Birmingham and wasn't expecting him to be that good, but he was'. There were the two understudies last night Chris Jacobsen for Valjean and David Lawrence for Javert. I personally thought David was betteer than Earl Carpenter and while Chris was OK, IMO he was nowhere near as good as JOJ and for those of you going next week to Edinburgh, I hope John makes it back from his holidays. There was just something missing in the performance.
  9. Just received that one. Its another very good mention for Gareth
  10. Thanks for finding this Heather. I hope some people in the area will be able to get along to see this.
  11. Danielle who went last night has posted links to her pictures on the OS. This is her facebook page and there are loads of pics on there http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3125...d=1425299834072
  12. Glad you had a good evening Yvonne and that Tracy wasn't disappointed. Only one more visit now then a long wait for the next one. Looking forward to Saturday
  13. Hope the weather is as good as it is here
  14. What a lovely pic Khelda. Gareth has got such a lovely smile always :heart: Thanks for showing us.
  15. There are several of Gareth's sisters Khelda. Only one of Suzanne I think. Its no 25.
  16. Flamingo have posted up the pictures from Monday. Not too many of Gareth but nice all the same. http://www.facebook.com/flamingoonline?v=wall
  17. Lots of meanings there. I wonder which one they were using in reference to Gaz :laugh: Thanks Heather.
  18. Probably should know this, but what do they mean when they call Gareth a `SIK' DJ
  19. That's Eponine, played by Rosalind James. She's been my favourite female in the show every time I've seen her. Fantine is OK but Cosette I feel sings a bit too high and it sounds a bit shouty to me. The scene where Eponine dies is still my favourite of the whole show and Gareth gets more emotional every time. The way he sobs at the end is heart-breaking :heart:
  20. Yes, it was another brilliant show. Not that I expected anything else It was nice to catch up with you again Khelda. Sorry I didn't say goodbye, but I turned around and you'd gone. Don't know what could have been distracting me :laugh:
  21. Thanks Khelda. Pity he got the name wrong. Should have been Cosette's beau, not Fantine's :laugh:
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