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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Just received links to a couple of really brilliant reviews from Birmingham. This one from the Coventry Telegraph, with a very good mention of Gareth http://www.coventrytelegraph.net/whats-on-...92746-26137265/ and this is a blog written by a lady who was very impressed with the prodution http://thewritersideoflife.wordpress.com/ This is what she said about Gareth. Its so good I thought I'd just post this bit
  2. Pleased you had another good night Chris and that Hubby enjoyed the show as well. Thanks for telling us about your evening. So the man talking about Joseph shows that Gareth's fame is preceeding him. All good
  3. Another report on Musicals.Net where they don't usually have much good to say about the tour Les Mis. I must say on the whole I pretty much agree with this person in regards to Jon Robyns. He's definitely a weak link in the cast for me. Good to see someone else liked Rosalind James too. I think she comes in for far too much criticism.
  4. There was another one before the DJ'ing one
  5. That's a good review. Thanks for finding Doris. Don't know what the person who commented was watching
  6. Looks like there may be another DJ gig coming up over the Easter weekend. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=3847...0189&ref=ts
  7. Thanks for that info Jill. That's way more than I was expecting. What a treat it will be if Gareth does get to sing that many songs. This is on during the break between the Edinburgh shows and moving on to Paris Khelda. They have two weeks free in between, so perhaps that's how it will be possible for them to do it.
  8. Thanks for telling the world how stupid I was :laugh: I don't know what planet you were on last night Chris. I think Gareth must have done something to your head :laugh:
  9. No, I didn't hear anything Khelda, I think the others heard someone commenting about Gareth and his dad, but I can't quite remember what they said, so I'll leave it for one of them to tell it.
  10. Just back from an even more brilliant show last night. Gareth's voice just leave me speechless. Can't believe how he manages to improve on it constantly. Little Fall Of Rain was my favourite last time I saw the show, but this time Gareth acted it so well. You could have heard a pin drop whilst he and Rosalind were singint. Obviously Empty Chairs was out of this world. Almost every member of the cast have improved on Cardiff I think and JOJ was phenomena. I really enjoyed `On My Own' from Rosalind and `I Dreamed A Dream' from Madelena. Great moment from the Thenardiers, when the silver they were stealing ended up in the Orchestra pit :laugh: We managed to pick out Gareth in the other scenes at the beginning, with the exception of the rowing scene Saw several people from the site and managed to get my program signed by Gareth after the show. Just one thing though, he seems to be getting thinner than ever (not helped by jeans that looked like they'd been sprayed on him :laugh: ) Can't wait to go again next week now.
  11. They've put up a new highlights video on their site and at the very end if you can be bothered to listen to the rest, there is a short clip of the Les Mis bit, but its only the very end bit, not Gareth's brilliant bits. They have said on twitter that there may be a treat for Les Mis fans later in the year. Don't know what they mean by that
  12. reelKandi have had the video taken down for copyright. Good job we watched it when we did. I wonder if they'll put up an official one.
  13. Thanks Doris. Its nice to be able to watch it again whenever we want. Could do with some people rating the video.
  14. Thanks so much Hazzy. I haven't got time to listen to it now, but I shall be as soon as I get home.
  15. You're a jem Hazzy. That was too good not to be able to listen to again.
  16. Well, he won a few more people over on the DC and in reply And his twitter page has gone a bit mad :laugh:
  17. That was just brilliant. Felt so proud of Gareth up there singing at the Oliviers. And my god didn't he sing well. :heart:
  18. They just said there will be an hour's break. There are only three more acts performing. Wouldn't be surprised if Les Mis was the finale.
  19. They've just put a new link on Twitter for those experiencing buffering http://bit.ly/94o2n2 #oliviers
  20. Sadly I won't be able to do it then.
  21. Don't know about the advert, but he's in Merlin.
  22. Maggie, How do you record on-line. Do I just need to put a DVD in and continue watching. I'm very green about all this.
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