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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. A few more lovely comments on the Palace Theatre Faceboook Review page and I particularly love this one :heart:
  2. Thanks Maggie. Its hard to get your head around the amount of this praise Gareth is getting. Although we've always known he's brilliant, the fact he's been able to convert so many people on the strength of one role is mind-blowing. It will be very interesting to see how much his credibility will have been raised by the end of the year.
  3. Thanks for posting that Maggie. I thought I'd posted it earlier when I posted in on the OS. Must have had a senior moment Lovely mention of Gareth :heart:
  4. Yes, I think you're right. I'm kind of hoping Gareth will move into a brand new musical after the year is up. (fingers crossed)
  5. That's nice. I love the bit you've highlighted Maggie. I wonder what they mean by this Could it be the same cast I wonder.
  6. Thanks Floz. Nice interview. Pity we didn't know about the BBC one earlier.
  7. Does anyone know if this was the same interview as the Manchester one or could it be a different one
  8. Love picture Doris. Doesn't Gareth look fantastic in that costume. Thanks for posting it up.
  9. I was surprised when I read Natalie's report. Can't believe no-one else has noticed him earlier in the show. Lainyt has posted a couple of really nice reports on the OS. The first one is taken from the Michael Ball fan site so a real endorsment for Gareth
  10. Anyone going next week may be lucky enough to be there when the live recording is made. Found this on WOS
  11. Another tweet. Its all or nothing with Gareth :laugh:
  12. Not sure where to put this, but its a nice article about this little girl who has got a part in Manchester http://www.knutsfordguardian.co.uk/news/48...ion_of_Les_Mis/ Like this bit
  13. Thanks for your very intesting report Maggie. Its nice to read other peoplse perspectives on the show and I do somewhat agree with you as regards Fantine. She was the one I least enjoyed the time I went, but perhaps seeing it next time I may see it differently. Good to hear about the Buzz Gareth is causing in and around the theatre. I don't know how much better and stronger his voice can get. Its truly amazing how he's managed to improve on what we thought was perfection. :heart: Can't wait to go to see the show again in March.
  14. Both JOJ and EC have already taken time off. I'm sure Gareth will need to take a break at some stage. Just a thought that if he is going to, it may make sense to coincide it with another commitment and Missy's birthday at the same time. I'm probably wrong though, as usual
  15. Thanks Suzie and Snowdrop for your reports. Love the pics you've posted Suzie and glad you all enjoyed the show. Look forward to reading more reports soon
  16. If he does have holiday I would think it would be the following week, for Missy's birthday and will fit the DJ'ing in as well.
  17. At least we know its true. I wonder how he's going to fit it in. Can't quite remember when Missy was born, but it must be around that time. I wonder if Gareth is having a holiday from Les Mis then.
  18. Its not Khelda. The 4th April is a Sunday.
  19. I posted about this earlier in a different thread. Wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Do we think its genuine then?
  20. Looks like Chris found the right Theatre :laugh:
  21. WOS North West http://www.whatsonstage.com/reviews/theatr...anchester).html
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