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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Philip has tweeted to Gareth Gareth's interview is up on the ITV site now http://www.itv.com/lifestyle/thismorning/s...iz/garethgates/ They've put a nice write-up as well, which says a bit more about the music than we heard on the interview Gareth Gates in Les Miserables Published: Wed, 18 Nov, 2009, Gareth Gates has swapped technicoloured dreamcoat for revolutionary rags! Gareth joins Holly & Phil to talk about joining the cast of Les Miserables for their 25th anniversary tour, and about the joys of becoming a Dad! Gareth plays Marius, a student revolutionary: "It's a really full on show so the rehearsals have been really intense. The show's three and a half hours long!" Once Gareth had been given the role of Marius he enrolled in an acting course at London's prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA): “It really was a fantastic experience. We learnt all about breathing, poise and we got to study traditional works such as pieces by Shakespeare. Gareth was initially nervous attending RADA because of his speech impediment: "Because I've been so bust recently and with being a Dad as well my speech has suffered. I haven't had as much time to focus on it." Gareth loves Les Mis: "The show really is amazing. It's such a moving show and I'm surrounded by such great actors and singers." The tour starts on the 11th December 2009 in Cardiff and travels round various places in the UK until heading to Paris on the 26th May 2010. On his plans for the future, Gareth says: "I'd really like to stay on this road for a little while and just see what it brings me. I would love to one day return to music though and record another album, but we'll see." On 6th April this year Gareth and his wife Suzanne welcomed their daughter Missy into the world. Gareth says: "It's the best feeling ever. Obviously there's the late nights which aren't always great but then she'll just look at you and smiles and all is forgiven."
  2. He looked gorgeous and I loved the hairstyle. His speech at the beginning was not too good and he kept apologizing because he'd not been doing his breathing exercises, but by the end of the interview he was much better. He talked quite a lot about how long Les Mis was (twice as long as Joseph) and about the plot a bit. He reeled off all the venues it was visiting. Then said how beautiful Missy was. That she is nearly 8 months old now and is the best thing that has ever happened to him :heart: Holly said her Harry loves playing with Missy and grabs hold of her hand as soon as he sees her. (Budding romance :laugh: ) Love him to bits :heart:
  3. Sounds interesting doesn't it
  4. There were some rumours about this a while ago, but someone has now twittered about Gareth & Suzanne being in the studioon 21st November to record for the show, so it looks like it may be true. http://twitter.com/MrsShaf
  5. He wasn't on today Vicky. I watched it. Its mean't to be tomorrow.
  6. Good amount of money raised for the Charity Would love to have been there.
  7. Great to have the day confirmed. Really looking forward to seeing him on This Morning with Holly
  8. Good idea. How stupid not to think of doing that earlier. Think I'll ask Holly on Twitter
  9. Holly has just said that Gareth will be on This Morning next week for a chat :heart: Hopefully we'll get confirmation about which day it will be from Figaro later Edit: Now confirmed for Wednesday 18th November
  10. Aww! How sweet :heart: A pretend phone is something babies love to play with more than anything isn't it
  11. Article by Bryn Tyrfel, which I think sounds quite complimentary to Gareth
  12. He's in the mood to twitter :laugh: :shocked:
  13. I agree with him. She's my favourite too along with Joe
  14. We all know what men are like about this don't we :laugh:
  15. Nice article here with good mention of Gareth. They seem to have a bit more up to date information on the cast too. http://www.todomusicales.com/content/conte...egin-in-london/
  16. He's turning into a nutter :laugh: :laugh:
  17. I think he's definitely starting to answer people's questions now
  18. Can't keep up with all these tweets today. Looks like Gareth and John have hit it off well :laugh:
  19. Look :shocked: Now why hasn't Gareth told us about this. Bristol is only 45 mins away from me :hyper:
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