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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Sorry forgot to post about this one. I've been voting on it for the last week. You can vote again straight away if you refresh the page. Can't see how many votes Gareth has got though.
  2. Think Gareth was picking up a few tips last night Not that he'll need any
  3. Thanks from Gareth. He's so proud of Missy, bless him :heart:
  4. New Twitter from Gareth. Seems he's enjoying himself :laugh:
  5. Another lovely comment from someone Gareth also seems to be being played a lot on `PITER FM'. Anyone know what station this is.
  6. Wonder what this is all about
  7. Thanks for those. How great for Gareth to have been chosen to appear amongst such acclaimed people. It will be good to get a look at Earl Carpenter before going to Les Mis.
  8. Hallelujah!! Updated at last. Interesting too. Gareth is taking his role as Marius very seriously Can't wait to see the results of his hard work
  9. Thanks Katie. That's a really good endorsment from someone such as John Owen Jones. I agree with him too. Its time everyone gave Gareth the credit he deserves.
  10. I agree. Gareth seems to have given up on `tweeting' altogether
  11. I wouldn't mind betting he's already doing some rehearsing. Or at least getting some tips on the acting.
  12. Is Gareth into Horse Racing then. Zoe Salmon has posted this on Twitter
  13. That's a great report Heather. Thanks for finding it. Very rarely nowadays do you hear anyone say any other than that Gareth has a beautiful voice, but he didn't just say it once, he said it twice. Good to hear he thinks Gareth fits the part in other ways as well. Its looking very good for Gareth in this production
  14. Brilliant write-up for Gareth in the Scotsman http://news.scotsman.com/scotland/Gareth-a...-hit.5417040.jp
  15. Thanks Floz, that is a brilliant write-up. I think Gareth must have impressed lots of people in Joseph including Cameron Macintosh as the writer said The tickets seem to be selling very well already.
  16. What fabulous news. So pleased to have it confirmed at last. Congratulations to Gareth for landing this great part.
  17. The girl sat next to me was a total disgrace. She was the worse for wear before the show even started and didn't stop drinking right the way through. I'm not one to not want youngsters to have a good time, but that was not the right place for the way she behaved. I think she must have been the only person in the whole theatre who was not on their feet at the end and she spent a good proportion of the show with her head in her lap. I really don't know why she went at all. Even her friends looked embarrassed for her. Gareth's ovation started even before anyone could see him. As soon as his outline began to appear the crowd went wild. Always before the applause didn't start until he was completely visible. I shall never forget the feeling I had inside at that moment as long as I live and for Gareth it must have been so satisfying of a job so well done.
  18. I did think about it Petra, but in the end I didn't have the nerve. One of the girls sat next to me took one picture, but the usherette in the wings saw her and stood waiting for her to take another and I think she would then have come over and stopped her. That's really what stopped me from trying to record Gareth singing Any Dream Will Do with the narrator as that's the song we've not seen him singing on video and was the one I particularly wanted to have to keep. Would love to know if anyone actually did record anything.
  19. The crowds were fantastic Khelda and those were only the ones in the afternoon. The evening crowd was even larger. Nothing could get down the road at all they were having to turn round and go back the other way. It was impossible to take pictures of the whole scene then as you could hardly move. I didn't see you go Hazzy. It was lovely to meet you at last and what a great day it was wasn't it.
  20. Here are the few pictures I managed to take yesterday People were throwing gifts over the heads of those in the front for Gareth to catch and pass back to the security behind him. Wonder what was in the BHS parcel And this is my favourite one :heart:
  21. Just got back home. What can I say, what a day. Loved every second of it. The fun in the matinee show and the evening was 10 times better than the brilliant performances I'd seen previously. I've never stood for so long clapping and cheering. Every single one of the cast received their own ovation and the ones for Gareth were immense. He looked so emotional and proud of himself at the end of the show and even had a few tears in his eyes at the end. I was expecting to feel sad when it ended, but with the exception of feeling for Gareth so obviously emotional I felt so much better than I thought. He has been so good that there is no way there won't be something following on from this :heart: Was pleased to see Tim Rice there watching and signing autographs for people in the interval. Loads of the children from the show and some of their parents were in tears as they left the theatre :heart: I will write more later as I'm extremely tired right now.
  22. Thanks for the link Heather. I was wondering what kind of place it was. Perhaps Gareth is a member there.
  23. Wish I'd thought of mentioning it to him last week when I was there :laugh: That's what I was meaning though about replying to some and not all, I think he would be afraid of offending someone. He probably knows how easy that would be to do. I think a few people mentioned the typO to Figaro, so he may have been prompted to alter the word. To be honest I don't think I'd want him to be like Philip or Jonathan Ross. They post so many messages I find them a bit boring and rather irrelevant although plenty of others seem to like it.
  24. How do we get him to do that Snowdrop. I can't see him doing it of his own accord :laugh:
  25. Is it my imagination, or is Glass Slippers a different recording on the clips. It doesn't seem to have the microphone echo on it like it does on the original recording
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