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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. What a great find Heather. I've been keeping an eye on the homepage for a while, but nothing seemed to be happening. I love the fact they've given some details of what the show will be about and really love that they've put Gareth's name first in the stars from the Preview evening last June
  2. Of course, I remember you mentioning it now. Its nice that they are playing Sunshine. I wonder if they play anything else as well. We'll have to keep a watch out.
  3. This has been posted on Twitter. Don't think they'll need to go out of the way to attract Gareth's attention. He's usually pretty accommodating to everyone who wants to meet him. I shall be there and will keep my eye out for the t-shirts :laugh: Can't wait :hyper: :hyper: There also appears to be a radio station `radioW' who are playing Gareth's music. Anyone know anything about this station?
  4. I agree too Khelda. I always find if I look deep enough I can always find some inner meaning behind most of Gareth's messages. He's very clever at telling things without actually telling them if you know what I mean
  5. Well you managed to get the proper link put on the OS Floz, so perhaps a little hint in Figaro's ear might do the trick :laugh:
  6. I'm really getting to like this Twitter. Its great to hear all these little snippets of their life. Glad they appear to be having a nice weather day and can make the most of Gareth's day off :heart:
  7. I agree, but I think young hubbies these days give their wives a lot more support and breaks from the little ones than they ever did in my time. I could count on the fingers of one hand the amount of times my husband looked after my babies so I could go out for a break. Oh how times have changed.
  8. More to the point, I wonder if anyone saw Suzanne out having a drink with her friends whether an issue would be made of it. I bet she does it as often as Gareth, if truth were known. I think its great that they are a normal family as well as celebrities.
  9. Seeing as Gareth isn't working normal 9 to 5 hours, its far more sensible for them to spend time together as a family during the day when its more likely Missy will be awake to see her Daddy. I'm sure Gareth & Suzanne are realistic enough to know they can't spend 24 hours a day in each others company. Or even if they'd want to. It bodes a much more healthy and stable relationship to be able to spend a little time apart in their own space. I wonder if Gareth does the baby-sitting for part of the day so Suzanne can go shopping or meet up with a friend for a coffee or even an alcoholic drink :shocked:
  10. Surely he's entitled to wind-down after a performance with a quiet drink with a few friends or members of the cast. He's probably a lot more relaxed when he gets home to Suzanne and Missy for doing that. And isn't that all part of the networking side of his job.
  11. Bless him :heart: No-one could be more sociable than Gareth and he loves his phone :laugh:
  12. Here are the viewing figures for yesterday's show, posted on DS. Not sure how it compares with previous figures. Quite good for a Saturday morning I would think
  13. Thanks for the links Knowdrop. Its nice to be able to watch it all again :smile:
  14. What a delightful program it was. He was so loveable. Had to go out half way through so only just watched the rest. He was so proud of his stirring of the peas and beans :laugh: Very familiar look on Silvena's face when she was looking at him. She loved him. No surprise there :heart: So glad he got his heaven rather than hell :heart:
  15. Gorgeous young man. Didn't he love that Manchester Pie :laugh: I'm with him on the Mushrooms. I'm not keen on them either :no:
  16. This is one thing I think is quite good about this Twitter. You can follow someone while they may get some news of Gareth then stop following them again after the show :laugh:
  17. Don't know how he managed to come with these quips. He really would be good as a comedian :laugh:
  18. Just noticed Saturday Kitchen is on for hour and a half. Does that mean he could be on for most of that time. Be nice if it does. Lovely way to spend a Saturday morning :frantics: :hyper: :laugh:
  19. Well they got that right. That's exactly what he is Really looking forward to watching this.
  20. Get him with his shorts and t-shirt. Is he trying to raise our blood-pressure :laugh:
  21. Just came to post Figaro's correction, but I see someone has already done it. Trust him to get it wrong :laugh:
  22. Fig has confirmed Gareth has his own Twitter page :laugh:
  23. Update from Fig on OS. Looking forward to that :hyper: Edit to put correction of Figaro:
  24. Thanks for the link Janice. What lovely pictures. Poor Gareth, they must have followed him all the way from his home to the hospita. He handled it very well though and still managed his usual brilliant smilel :laugh:
  25. That is indeed VERY VERY nice. Don't they both look so happy and Gareth looks particularly handsome in the clip with Suzanne :heart: Thanks Maggie. Wouldn't mind a few stills from that if anyone can do any :tongue: It looks like they caught him a bit unawares to me. Have they not woken up to the fact that ripped jeans IS a fashion statement these days Love the second picture they printed.
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