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Late, Late Show video


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OMG I've just watched that interview and didn't he come across well. So relaxed (most relaxed I've ever seen him I think). It seems the answer to all the questions I've had recently are in that interview. He's got to revisit all these places where he couldn't speak previously, before he's able to really move on with his life and concentrate on his music. Is that the way everyone else saw it.

If that is the case, whilst we may be a bit frustrated at the moment, we'll have the rewards of all Gareth's hard work eventually.

I must say watching that has restored all my faith again (which I'm ashamed to say, I was definitely beginning to lose) :shocked:

He's an inspiration and must be a total joy for all those people he has helped.

He's taught me a lesson in learning how to be patient :heart:

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That was utterly, utterly brilliant. What a joy to see him SO relaxed and confident. I hope he gives heart to other stammerers - it must mean so much to him. I'm more proud of him than I can possibly express.

Here's a sound file of Gareth's chat for anyone who wants it :)


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what is there to be frustrated about

What I've been frustrated about, was the way the music side of things didn't go quite as well as I'd hoped.

Now after seeing that interview, I think I can see why almost every time Gareth was interviewed on TV, almost all the concentration was on the speech and very little on the music. This was the way Gareth obviously had to do things to get the results he wanted. Which in itself only emphasizes even more what an outstanding person he is. That he can be patient and wait for the ultimate success his music deserves until he conquers other factors in his life.

I totally agree that seeing all the hard work Gareth puts in to helping other stammerers is very rewarding and I'm very proud of him. But much as thats nice for us to see, those rewards are Gareth's personal rewards. What I now want to see is him achieving the rewards he deserves for his outstanding musical ability, which is what brought him to our attention originally.

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Thanks for that. Lovely to watch and very moving. Good to see that he got a good length of time to talk from the heart and how relaxed was he?

It really reinforced to me how important spreading the word and supporting people with stammers is to him.


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He certainly does. :heart:

This article shows that amongst all of the conventional experts out there, people simply seeing the example of how he's progressed is very powerful. I wonder which documentary he is talking about? It might be the Trevor McDonald one, but Gareth was still struggling in that. I suppose it's all relative.

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I totally agree that seeing all the hard work Gareth puts in to helping other stammerers is very rewarding and I'm very proud of him. But much as thats nice for us to see, those rewards are Gareth's personal rewards. What I now want to see is him achieving the rewards he deserves for his outstanding musical ability, which is what brought him to our attention originally.

Gareth's Music was his release when he couldn't speak,now that he can I think he finds much more satisfaction in helping other stammerers, acheive the happiness and control of their lives that he obviously has.

Let's hope 19, find a way of combining music and the McGuire programme,as I'm sure Gareth won't be giving up his work with the McGuire.


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Thank you very much for putting those videos up. I thought Gareth was amazing, and his speech was excellent! I hope he can get a chance to promote his album too, as his music still needs to be heard by anyone who isn't already a diehard fan.

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Thanks to the Irish McGuire site, you can download the bit from the Late, Late Show from last week with Gareth and the other McGuire people. :wub:

*Download here* :hyper:

Or watch via

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name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>


<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="

name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Thank you so much Snowdrop that was amazing. It is so nice to be able to hear Gareth speak like that he's brilliant and such a lovely person. Gillxx :smile:

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