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Cameron MacKintosh on BBC Manchester Radio


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That was interesting Val, He is talking about the tour in Southampton? :unsure: If that is true, I have to get a ticket (dont we Hazel) lol

Also he says they were suppose to take the tour to USA, but seems that now they just do more venues in UK.

As you say, lovely mention of Gareth again. :frantics:

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OMG, I was only saying to hubby today, I wonder if it's coming down south.

Didn't expect it on my doorstep. :frantics: fingers crossed.

I will be so happy for you Hazzy if it turns out it does visit Southampton. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you as wel. :thumbsup: l

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I think it will be - but maybe not yet. I get the impression between the various articles and interviews that they intend to tour this production extensively, but for the time being they are sticking with the easy to fill UK theatres which are easier to get to - lower costs = bigger profits. They can go to America later on this year or next year, and everywhere else too. I know some people on here seem to think that going to America is the holy grail, and something they should be aspiring to, but the costs of transporting the set and travelling all of those distances between theatres makes it less desirable to a producer, and the cast with school aged children might not want to travel. The main benefit would be to act as promotion for the new CD, but a delay of a few months won't make a difference in the grand scheme of things.

I think it is important to distinguish between this production - as in the staging and direction, and this actual cast. This cast seem to have contracts until October, so they might use that as a natural break before starting a new leg with new contracts.

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I'm sure it could - but would there be a theatre free at the time? And will it be more expensive to book one there compared with the one in Chicago, with similar income from ticket sales? The last time Les Mis was on in Broadway it shut early, but it seems there were other reasons for that. There might be a limited season there, but nothing said so far has hinted at them taking it to Broadway, as opposed to some of the many hundreds of theatres across the rest of the country.

Of course, they seem to be changing their minds about how to tour it as they've seen the reaction, so who knows? But I don't think Broadway is the be all and end all, even if it would be lovely for us.

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I think that first article is about the previous Broadway production in 2006. It's a confusing site, because they don't link any dates to any of the articles.

We'll just have to wait and see. It would be fantastic for those involved if the show went to Broadway, but I'm concerned that people are placing too much importance on something that might not happen, and might not involve Gareth anyway. It would look fab on his CV, and would be a brilliant retort to those who said he can't sing and that we only voted for him because we felt sorry for him, but it's all down to more mundane things like theatre availability, where Cammack thinks he'll get the best return on his investment, and whether or not they'll want a fresh cast for a fresh leg of the tour. It makes me uncomfortable to see people pinning so much hope in that - as if what Gareth is doing now isn't good enough.

Edit: if you view the News Archive, as opposed to just News, it gives the date as 2006. http://www.lesmis.com/pages/news/press.php

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Thanks Snowdrop , I knew that post had been around a while, and wasn't sure if it was up to date . Personally I don't pin importance on Gareth starring on Broadway . Gareth may not want to continue touring at the moment , it would be great if Gareth stars in a London based musical next :smile:

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I would hate anyone to think that because of my speculation about America (which was all a bit of fun too) that, I in anyway, am not content with what Gareth is doing now. I am absolutely delighted with his playing the role in Les Mis, his success that has followed and in every venue here.

I do feel quite upset that anyone would think I thought of it in any other way.

Long may Gareth continue with what he seems destined to do.

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I don't think it is on here Val. He is taking a chance but it is one that undoubtedly is going to work.

Cameron Mackintosch was the guest of Micheal Ball today (on his last show for 12 weeks) http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b009ybv8 I only began listening when Cameron was talking of his 2 working farms in Somerset and his place in Scotland (but in no way boasting). Not sure if there were any Gareth mentions?

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