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Loserville previews!


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It was the first preview of Loserville last night. There is a fair bit of chatter on twitter about it - all very positive, and it sounds like they all got a standing ovation too. :D

I don't have time to pick out bits and post before work, but it's worth a look if you get the chance.

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Kevin Blakeman@Chefkev

@Gareth_Gates really enjoyed last night. Well done for a great opening night :-) #loserville,

WY Playhouse@WYPlayhouse

"@spikysp8ster: Well done to all involved in #loserville @WYPlayhouse standing ovation on a first preview brilliant,

WY Playhouse@WYPlayhouse

"@boaden: "Amazing reaction to #Loserville @WYPlayhouse everybody standing and cheering superb first night.

Beverley Thomas@ContiWokingham

Every good wish to ELIZA BENNETT & all the cast of LOSERVILLE for their first night preview!

Cheryl Bridges@cherylplatform4

Had a fab time at #loserville last night. I love watching @AshleyLuke dance. Makes me happy :)


gonna get ready then off to leeds! loserville again tonight :D

McFly Metro@McFlyMetro

went to the opener of loserville last night. it's great. features tom's song we're not alone that he wrote with james :)

Sam Mcgibbon@ToniJKelly

not had chance to say this yet but loserville was absolutely amazing, you should all go and watch it, honestly!

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Ashley Henderson@ashleyyh22

#Loserville was AMAZING!!!! The cast was perfect!! :)@eliza_h_bennett @JamesBourne @CJHardman @Gareth_Gates and more, FANTASTIC job!!

chloe holden☺@chloe_mcfly

Loserville is an amazing musical! Honestly can't get over how good it was!!!! @JamesBourne @CJHardman @Gareth_Gates

Lara Brown@MissCroft91

@lsrvillemusical was amazing!! @JamesBourne and @elliotdav you did a great job, gonna come again near the last night!!

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victoria wrightson@tenney75

@Gareth_Gates You were fab tonight as were the rest of the cast of Looserville. Great to have you back in Yorkshire

Lorna Bursell@LornaBursell

@Gareth_Gates sterling performance, you have come such a long way! Inspirational :)

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This was posted on the Whats on Stage forum

Saw Loserville last night what a talented cast especially Gareth Gates I was very impressed. Show is upbeat and fast pasced great singing and fabulous choreography. I feel it needs tightening/tweeking in a few places and I think this will happen over the next few weeks. I plan on going back in the last week to see how it's moved on. Good look to this talented cast and to bringing new creative work to the stage in these hard times.

Support this guys go see it. The Quarry theatre is such a great venue and you can see in any seat.

Based on the cast, crew and creatives tweets, they made some changes for last night, and have some more planned for tonight. It must be really interesting for locals who can go on multiple nights to see how it changes and comes together. :)

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Loserville The Musical Review 2012 (West Yorkshire Playhouse)

June 21, 2012 by Kevin Blakeman

My Review of “Loserville The Musical”

Date:- Monday 18th June 2012 ( first performance)

Venue:West Yorkshire Playhouse Theatre

Score:- 9 / 10

Cast List includes:-Gareth Gates, Aaron Sidwell, Lil Chris,Daniel Buckley, Richard Lowe and Eliza Hope Bennett

Written By:-Elliot Davies and James Bourne (ex Busted)

man.gif?w=150&h=139Well what can I say, how to start this review, of this New, Fresh, Modern, Marvellous, Inventive, and funny offering from The West Yorkshire Playhouse.

Brilliant, that’s how I will start ! but first a brief synopsis. Set in 1971, our leads Geeks, are trying to invent e-mail between two computers, meanwhile their two hilarious sidekicks are entering a Sci Fi competition, and the son of a wealth computer company is trying to impress his father in order to get a job there.

The opening is inventive in itself, where the cast are introduced by the way of comic book signs unfolded above them with their character name and actually name. This impressed me from the start, I had never seen this approach before, and it continued throughout the whole show. To explain more, a lot of the set and props and gadgets were created using boards with drawings on them that were flipped and twisted and manipulated by other cast members to create scenes and changes and scenarios. Odd as this seems, it worked REALLY REALLY WELL icon_smile.gif?m=1129645325g , and in fact was very complicated at times, and to the casts credit, there was not one mistake made as far as I could see. This complimented the completely opposite very high-tech set, which made up the different scenes such as the computer company, the school, the computer room. All very LED lights and futuristic metal framework, all in all the set and cartoon drawings, and trust me on this was both innovative and worked in every sense.

mh900446386.jpg?w=150&h=150The songs/musical numbers were great. If you are a fan of Busted, Son of Dork, Blink 192, McFly, then you will love this. All are in the same ilk as the bands mentioned above and all delivered with gusto. But I don’t feel this is a musical just for a new Theatre goer, there was a very mixed crowd in, that all lapped up the songs and performances. While it may encourage younger audiences, and that is always a good thing, it is not restricted to any age group as the story is strong enough to carry it all through from start to finish. Stand out tracks for me were, “We’re Not Alone” (reprise) an excellent start to the second half where rock group were guesting at the Science Fiction convention, and “What’s so Weird about Me” was fabulous also. Not to detract from the other offerings throughout which were all creative and pleasing to the ear icon_smile.gif?m=1129645325g

The performances were also great. Lil Chris, was the surprise for me, great comic timing, very funny chemistry with his partner in invention. Gareth Gates gave a solid performance and was also interesting to see him cast as the bad guy for a change. I thought the leads coped well with the vocals, as they are the sort of rock songs that do not need spot on vocals. I really don’t want to be too critical as this was the first night, but sometimes I felt the live band, did drown out some of the vocals on occasions.mh900383592.jpg?w=150&h=150 Maybe a couple of tweeks and slight re-writes, but its all there, in all its glory.

There are some hilarious lines due to the fact that one of the “geeks” is writing a book about good versus evil, set in outer space. This character is called “Lucas” by the way, not to give too much away but maybe you can guess what they are referring to. Throughout the show various lines are used that refer to characters in this film, and all are cleverly integrated in the script, and what with references to the birth of computers, Star Trek, and the above film, this is a “geeks” dream story icon_smile.gif?m=1129645325g

So to sum up, great set, great concept, great songs, great performances all executed well. This is only one for 4 weeks, but I am hoping for great things for this musical as it deserves to be successful, and go on to bigger and brighter things.

A well deserved standing ovation as the whole cast and crew must have worked so hard on the project and the result is a credit to all of them. Catch it while you can, so you can say “I saw it first” icon_smile.gif?m=1129645325g



:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Like you Khelda, I won't be able to see it either. But what a terrific write up. So wish I could see it for myself, but maybe one day it will tour OR go to the West End.

So pleased for all the cast etc. that people are really liking it. This seems to be a truthful take on it and very pleasing to read. Yay! Well done all. :thumbsup:

Thanks for posting.

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Guest NicolaJayne

Just back from holiday and trying to catch up on things. Thank you to everyone for the great reviews on Loserville, its fantastic that this show is getting such a good reception.

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All in all I would definitely recommend it to anyone and can unquestionably see it in the West End. The cast were brilliant, the songs were catchy, the band rocked and they all ended with a standing ovation. What was also brilliant was that the cast came out afterwards to meet everyone, they were all lovely and you could get as many pictures and autographs as you wanted! I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and hope to see it again.
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