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  1. Loving all the photos and videos he seemed relaxed and in his element
  2. Really want the new music to happen
  3. Everyone was extremely talented did enjoy it and it is not a usual show I would go and see as never even watched the cartoon.
  4. Thank you we had an amazing night and we got to meet all the cast I think it is lovely that everyone just lined up & they come down the line to meet everyone
  5. Myself & Susan are really looking forward to seeing him in Belfast tonight
  6. No I didnt buy tickets as on holiday that week. So this the first I heard off it being cancelled so was wondering why? Yeah that is the link thank you
  7. Does anyone know why the shows in Belfast and Dublin where cancelled? Also will they have new dates? Hopeful as these dates didn't suit. Also what did the star link say as it isn't working for me
  8. What a sweet video can't wait to see the routine on Sunday judging from those pics looking good!
  9. Has this video been posted already? http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/video-news/video-dane-bowers-and-gareth-gates-form-supergroup-5th-story-29948195.html
  10. I have voted too did think Zarah would have been so popular.
  11. Well, I did love the first series and I did end up going on the tour due to the fact that I loved 5ive and b*witched when I was younger and was really interested to hear their side of the story. I will watch it this time around but think Gareth will be the only person in the line up I will be interested in. Still not very keen on Gareth being involved in it but will look forward to seeing him more on tv.
  12. When is the series supposed to start would love to see him take part? He is going to be so busy trying to fit in two shows a day with panto and training but knowing Gareth he is well up for this challenge.
  13. I missed this on sunday as working. So how did it go?
  14. I see Shane has posted another one of them on the tour bus don't know how to put a link up sorry. I have never heard of keek before.
  15. Ooh loving the photos He looks good in a black suit. Just watched the highlights on the news looks a wonderful event. Short but sweet interview from Gareth and his wind swept hair.
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