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Everything posted by maria_1981

  1. Thanks for posting Val im glad it turned out Gareth is there we may get a couple of twets from him later about it
  2. Whatever the new music will be it sounds exciting especially the thought of a new album sounds like he will be very busy with the academy bless him,as will of course Suzanne and Jonathan and his wife.
  3. Thank you Heather for posting and June for scanning the article Thats true,he should say his log cabin or studio rather than shed lol as shed was just a joke that was made on twitter a while back.
  4. Thanks for posting this Val I think Gareth will probably tweet something about what he did there
  5. Im assuming it is a Gates/Wilkes academy as iv just gone on Gates?wilkes twitter and they had put on there about the interview in the T&A,as well as it being on Gareths twitter
  6. Hope everyone going to these events have a great time though im sure you will Wish there was something I could get to,was meant to be going to Heaven
  7. Awww bless Gareth so much,so proud of him Just got back from Epsom Toastmasters speakers club... I won best speech!! First time for everything. Thanks Heather by the way,though there wouldn't just be a Manchester pride lol
  8. Thanks for posting Val it sure is lovely they are advertising Gareth for it when they could of chose one of the other acts
  9. Thanks for posting Val Is this the Manchester pride or are there other gay prides in the UK? I should know because I live there but I dont lol If it is the manchester one if only i knew I would of gone lol
  10. Well according to Jeffjeffdeff in reply to Gareth last night he put this 'helped'. That means you watched behind gucci shades as a man fixed plasterboard to framework from a portable love seat.
  11. Thanks for posting Val lovely pic of them both,I wonder how she managed to get backstage though wow xxx
  12. I want a site that treats all as equals ive not been able to come online proper for a few days as had net problems
  13. Awwww gorgeous pic, his smile is adorable Thank you so much for posting Heather
  14. I take it this driver thing is a golf car,otherwise dunno how an actual car on the road will help him win golf lol
  15. Awww lovely tweet from someone called stephalilly83 just seen u in Les Mis, absolutely amazing!! Ur voice blew me away!! Fab performance!! X
  16. Awwww looks like he's back bless him for now anyway,we all knew he was prob busy bless him and knew deep down it was why he was quiet on there I know I know, I haven't tweeted for a while! Lots on!! 2 and half weeks till I finish Les Mis... Can't wait for the Summer!! Watching Britain's Got Talent on Sky+ Speechless! Come on, is this the best we've got?! Brilliant!
  17. Awww bless,his tweets are the best aint they ,ive noticed he has patches like this where he doesnt tweet much and they are most likely to be cos he's busy and any free time he does get he wants to spend with his family,he's busy all the time bless him but sometimes even more than others,I dont know this for certain,its just my thoughts. Bet part of him will be sad bless him when les mis finishes as he has been part of it for well over a year or is it 2 ive lost count lol
  18. Yeah maybe its that he is busy bless him and he may of not had the time to think of tweeting to say especially if he cant say yet what he was busy doing.
  19. Thanks for posting Heather,wonder whats wrong with him,gets me feeling for him every time.If he's not unwell and its cos he had something planned then i wonder why we didnt hear from him himself xxx
  20. Lmao whats he like lol thanks for posting
  21. Thanks Doris for posting about this sounds cool Hope you can go sophie
  22. Aww he's there now bless him Just got to Suzanne's parents in Spain. And relax :-) 1 hour ago
  23. Yup doris is good with photoes bless her thanks so much for posting these btw doris including the one from the guy on twitter you edited so we just get Gareth,its lovely to see But Sylvia means thanks to Sarahjane as she scanned the pics of Gareth as Marius from one of the brochures we bought when we seen les mis on wednesday and posted them on the OS,she would of done on here but she cant get on.
  24. Thank you Snowdrop i cant believe i didnt work the initials out for myself lol
  25. dont want to sound silly but whats WWRY ? i cant work it out lol
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