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Everything posted by Becky_V

  1. I was just about to post my videos in here but realised val has already done it for me I'm just uploading the last of the new videos and then i'll post it in here. I think it's called "If This Ain't Love" I love it
  2. The last one is now uploading I hope you like it... i think it might be called If This Ain't Love. I love it!! It's my favourite of his new songs i think I'll post it as soon as it's finished uploading and sorry in advance because i think i missed the first few seconds.
  3. Looks like the one I started uploading this morning is now finished.. It's called Stay I think. Will upload the last one when I get in from work glad you're enjoying them all
  4. Here's a fourth one - think its another new song, not quite sure what it's called though (And sorry it's only a short clip!!) I'll leave it to upload a 5th one then that should be done by tonight so i'll upload the 6th and last video of his new songs when i get in from work
  5. Here's the 2nd video Hold On Tight Also apologies in advance if i've got any of the track names wrong - Gareth didn't say what any of them were called so i've had to make a guess lol.
  6. You're welcome yeah i much prefer his hair like this!!!! No of course i don't mind - i didn't have the time to post it myself so that's fine. Hmmm thats strange... try http://s796.photobucket.com/user/Beckyy_V/library/ I am in the process of uploading my 2nd video and its 77% complete so hopefully it will be done before i get to bed. They are taking forever because they're in HD - so don't forget to watch them in HD to see Gareth in all his HD lovelyness haha becky xx
  7. Here's some of my photos.... ENJOY I've just picked some of the photos... if you wanna see the others then they're uploaded on the photobucket account i just made. Username: Beckyy_V http://s796.photobucket.com/user/Beckyy_V/library/ Becky xx P.S. I found out what my old username was on here - vicrv!
  8. Hi everyone! Hope everyone is well... it's been years since i've been on here - just didnt have the time with uni and now working. I even had to create a new account - couldn't remember my username or password so i've used the username i had on the official boards. I had a great night at Blackburn (even if the facebook event did have the wrong postcode so we got lost!!) but Gareth was also told the wrong place to go and that's why he was late! As Val said i've recorded almost all of the songs he sung in Blackburn (some of them are only 1min clips though as i didn't want my camera to die!) I'm slowly posting them but they are taking hours to upload and i can only do it when i get in from work.. so i've just started to upload the next one (it says there is 140minutes remaining!). So in the meantime i thought id post some photos that i took... but i've forgotten how i post them on here... oops. If someone could let me know and i'll get some up asap Becky EDIT: I've worked out how you upload them... but the photos are too big they're 2.6MB!!! So not quite sure how to get them smaller
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