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Everything posted by mariaw81

  1. Awww I agree wholeheartedly Chris
  2. Now another month has came to a close a new one has began. Thank goodness that’s winter pretty much over with. Hope March will be a good one for everyone lovely that Spring is on its way.
  3. Awww such an amazing man bless him. I wish him the very best for the future. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Thanks for posting it’s brilliant Gareth is taking part in this the 3rd year running. I won’t get to see him much this year so I’m determined to go to this especially as it’s an important charity too, The illness has been in our family as with many others. Hopefully one day there’ll be a cure.
  5. Here’s another one I created yesterday We can only be ourselves so be the best version of yourself, you have the potential and we only live this life once. Be kind is all anyone can ask. x
  6. Now here’s one I created myself, my words and using an app Sophie Bowns told me about called Mirakee where you can add backgrounds. I didn’t really want to title it but thought I had to at the tinecas theres a part that says title but I think I can ignore it.
  7. I hope this week will be a good one for us all instead of the disappointment of Monday think of the good things this week can bring.
  8. So true, even just a smile can brighten someone’s day, or how are you which shows someone cares. It’s the little things that can mean a lot to people.
  9. Have a lovely weekend whatever you’re all doing
  10. I can’t share the actual Instagram story,only a screenshot but lovely to see he’s with Missy while she’s playing a few notes on the piano looks like it’s the one in his parents house. Gareth says it was this morning
  11. Thought this one was appropriate due to the sad news
  12. So sorry to hear this. R.I.P Rev Ruth Scott. Such a kind and beautiful lady.
  13. Another of Karen’s with her beautiful words. She really amazes me bless her, she’s actually been tweeting one almost every day for about 5 months it’s the wording she puts with them that’s so beautiful Outward beauty vs inner beauty. Imagine how people would look if we didn’t look strictly at outward beauty. A person with a kind heart can in many ways outshine someone of outward beauty. There are many outward beautiful people, but look for the inner beauty of those you know!
  14. Kindness sure is infectious I agree Now for today’s. No matter what struggles we may of been through in life the fact we are still here proves we are stronger than we may think. Never feel like you failed in life, being here living each day is proof of all this. Never look down on yourself.
  15. Kindness is something the world needs so much more of, doing an act of kindness however big or small will never be regretted because you’ll of made someone’s life a little bit better or if not at least we know we have done something good, better than the nastiness that is in the world. Those who do bad things will regret it one day,they’ll end up lonely as will of pushed people away. If you believe in karma that will get them back.
  16. Now back to my own. We should all make time to do the things we enjoy. Life can be challenging at times and we can be very busy with work etc so we’re entitled to our fun times. Should we feel guilty? no, life is to short, life is meant to be enjoyed and happy times are meant to be.
  17. Thanks for posting this would of thought this would of been one of the new ones on Gareths website that current say venue to be confirmed if this venue is actually advertising him. The ones in the other areas none are advertising him. Then again I might google Gareth gigs in those areas and see if any come up.
  18. Now another one of Karen’s quotes and words, I agree with them so the same comes from me That’s right! I’m sending anyone reading this massively good thoughts and tons of love! Why? Because everyone deserves to know that someone out there is wanting them to know that they are cared about! You are loved! You are cared about. You are beautiful! You need to know this!
  19. Absolutely beautiful video of Gareth singing backstage with Pete, spreading some valentines love never known a voice as special as Gareths.
  20. Now Valentine’s Day is over, show people you care about that you love them every day, don’t need a special day to show people you care.
  21. Yeah I’d imagine Gareth would have to fly to Martinique now, feel for him.
  22. Awww bless her, I agree this is an extra special one this needs to be included on here so thank you, also thanks to the lady who said this.
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