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Everything posted by mariaw81

  1. Listen again here http://www.pulse2.co.uk/on-air/blogs/jacqui-blay1/post/gareth-gates-opens-a-stammer-school/
  2. Jacqui Blay says she'll be interviewing Gareth today on Pulse Radio 2 and replied to say the interview will be on after 1 http://www.pulse2.co.uk/
  3. I know Maureen won't be in it because I seen her advertised a couple of times on Twitter since this thread for Menopause the musical for a venue in Feb and May.
  4. Which venue was it? if it's a tour again next year, there will be more but I find it weird that this year the London Peacock theatre was the last venue and ends at end of Sept but there's now one in Liverpool end of Oct into Nov yet the whole of Oct is free, it would seem weird to have a whole month with no venues with just the one thrown in a month later, surely th others should be confirmed any time soon, the Liverpool one was added into the Footloose site a few days ago.
  5. Thanks for the info Kirsty as much as it's an amazing fun filled lovely show I'd like Gareth to do a different show next year although not keen on the thought of not seeing Gareth as Willard again lol then again me and Sarahjane might make it to another one before this tour ends, hope you get a reply from Paul soon.
  6. Thank you for posting Chris words can't describe how lovely it is he is doing this, such an inspiration, to me this is far more special than Fates Academy.
  7. Thank you for posting Heather, lovely to see
  8. Thank you for posting, a lovely little piece I didn't even realise he was allergic to black tea.
  9. For those into muscles, he is perfect now top half wise, this interview said about wanting to put whatever amount of pounds on more but he doesn't need to, I hear he skips leg day but if he wants it work on something then it should be them concentrated on now, as Sarahjane says we love Gareth and find him gorgeous muscle or not. I'm glad you seen what I meant about the profile pic thing, the top right corner pic as I say would however make a gorgeous profile pic with clothes on or close up of his face where you can't see if his topless or not, how do we tell him this without offending him that it seems a bit odd having topless as profile pics, I understand itneith this interview as it's a fitness section.
  10. Don't worry Val, to be honest it's his gorgeous face and eyes that get me going, his hard work at the gym has payed off and good to see the results initially but I keep coming back for a look at a pic for his face, I worry he takes it to far sometimes especially after dropping dumbbell on his chest, I don't think he should really be having topless pics as his Twitter and Facebook profile pic, comes across as vain showing off, nothing to do with being a singer, actor and entrepreneur, the top right pic would make a lovely profile pic though if it was zoomed in on his face rather than capturing the topless.
  11. That's my fave photo too and if he's going to use a topless one as his Facebook and Twitter profile, id like him to change it to this, of course he could put it up closer up with just his face.
  12. I did take pics of the interview closer up but says the mb are to high
  13. I bought mine online as can download it too.
  14. This article makes it sound more like he'd like a role in Emmerdale but he'd said he would like to be in Corrie but Faye said no, this other article I saw said that the reason she wouldn't want Gareth there is because she doesn't want to mix profession with pleasure which I think she means she would be enjoying having h boyfriend there to much to be able to focus on her role, and any recent Emmerdale mentions is him just saying if he was to go in a soap that would be the one.
  15. I tweeted the Liverpool place to ask how long tickets have been available for and they said juts a couple of weeks so sounds to me like more dates have been added to the tour, must of been popular enough then, of course Gareth maynnkt be able to do them all, same with the other cast really.
  16. Thanks for posting wonder what the s+v means, can't be salt and vinegar surely haha, saw GPGs tweet if the g+t was gin and tonic which yes would be interesting although he could of meant green tea.
  17. Thank you for posting this Elaine lovely to see.
  18. Just saw Royal Court Liverpool tweet Gareth happy Birthday saying who is with us in Footloose this Autumn, I checked and it's from the 30th Oct to 4th November, thought the last was the Peacock theatre in London as it's the last on Footlooses site, I asked them when the tour ends, hope they get back to me about it.
  19. mariaw81

    Lichfield gig

    Nothing to be sorry about as I get what you mean, it's just a mystery lol.
  20. mariaw81

    Lichfield gig

    Here are Sarahjane pics too which I'm sure she wont mind me posting
  21. mariaw81

    Lichfield gig

    Sylvia asked exactly the same thing lol but no, no one or anything behind us, it really is spooky to be honest, where is there a scientist when we need one, the front of his hair wasn't covered but still where has it come from, puzzled.
  22. mariaw81

    Lichfield gig

    Me, Sarahjane and Sylvia just couldn't work out for the life of us why his hair is like that, it wasn't that windy if I remember right and Sarahjane pic wasn't like that and hers was just seconds before mine lol, Sylvia couldn't work out how the colour looks different, more like mine but guess it's because it's only strands of hair and the light catching it.
  23. mariaw81

    Lichfield gig

    This is a photo he tweeted today after a hair cut at the place in Manchester I see Faye goes to for her hair and pampering etc @barnitMCR he didn't need it as hair was gorgeous on the evening but he may of seen my pic and thought oh hell lol.
  24. mariaw81

    Lichfield gig

    It was so lovely hearing Gareth sing at his own gig again and his voice back nearly 100% Well to me it already was though like Linda said, he still doesn't do that high note in Unchained Melody, he got the crowd to do it, there must of been 2 people not turn up in the front row in front of where me and Sarahjane near the end if the row so we moved thinking may as well, Linda came over to us and Gill in the interval and said so far it was the same set as Cleckheaton and looking at her songlist in her report the second half was the same , Gill said it was a little different the night before. We didn't know if he'll arrive by the stage door or the entrance round the side, we asked inside if Gareth had arrived and they said he'll be getting there around half 5 so while me and Sarahjane was waiting outside, I was stood on the corner looking both ways to spot Gareth coming while Sarahjane was sat on a bench resting but got bored and joined me then she spotted Gareth down this other street and I couldn't see him, I joked saying she's magic because he happens to come after I was stood and nothing, it's usually Sarahjane spotting him first, it was lovely to see him, in the evening it was mad busy at the stage door but he was so patient as always and made sure he seen everyone, we stood back until he'd met most as we had already seen him earlier and was best when things had calmed especially after the fear Sarahjane faced, we had never been in stage to sing with Gareth before and it was something Sarahjane always wanted o do but was to scared, Gill gave us encouragement so when Garreth said who wants to come up like he does getting people on stage with him, we got up with Gill then quite a lot of others followed suit but was scary for Sarahjane because of her social phobia, I'm not having a dig at others for getting up as it was all just in fun anyway, no one harming him but it was shame that it was meant to be special for her as dont usually get lots up at once, Gill and Sarahjane are worried Gareth and people will think it's their fault especially with Gills partner joking saying she caused it when she was just getting Sarahjane up. He seems to want the general public who are not particularly fans to think Stay and Hold in a Tight are new songs as when he introduced Stay he said it was a song he wrote about a year ago lol. Hopefully he may get time to write some more songs next year as so far nothing has been announced for next year although may be a bit early yet, no matter what he sings though, I'll never get bored of as he puts so much into them, there really is no one else like him but a few more new songs at these gigs would be perfect along with maybe some new covers but was the first gig we had been to for a while since the Stables gig. Me and Gareth, don't remember wind being strong enough to do this to his hair in the day time pic haha, wouldn't think looking at that, it would look so gorgeous in the evening, like Linda said to us it was nice for him to wear no hat this time even though it does suit him, that said, anything looks good on him.
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