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Posts posted by Floz

  1. jeans and a shirt would do me :heart:

    Anyway, found Joe Motts rather strange blog http://www.dailystar.co.uk/blog/?p=91

    The bit referring to the gig and Gareth says ...

    Plus I’ve hung out with Gareth Gates.

    In reality, that means I chatted to a few PRs I’ve known for years and spoke briefly to Gareth at his comeback showcase.

    Honestly, he was pretty good and he’s got a Bradford accent. I didn’t know that before because anyone who stutters sounds exactly the same.

    Unless it’s a Chinese sufferer. Something I challenge anyone not to laugh at.

    He's clearly (to me anyway) a bit of an ignorant man - but at least he said Gareth was 'pretty good'. Praise indeed. :tongue:

  2. Article from the metro paper


    Gareth's back with Changes

    Thursday, February 22, 2007

    Singer Gareth Gates is launching a comeback bid Pop Idol runner-up Gareth Gates is back - with a brand new single and album due to hit the shops in the coming months.

    The spiky-haired singer performed a showcase of his new material at London's Pigalle Club last night, to an audience of journalists and music industry bigwigs.

    It's one of the first times the 22-year-old has performed since he was dumped by his record label BMG when his Pop Idol success tailed off - he's one of the better known talent show casualties.

    But with a new look and having conquered his famous stutter, Gareth's feeling positive about having another crack at the charts.

    "My expectations are realistic," said the singer, whose new album is called Pictures Of The Other Side.

    "I know some people might just hear my name and throw my CD out of the nearest window, but I also know that this is a strong album I'm completely proud of.

    "I am anticipating a lot of preconceptions about me from the public, and I just hope this album manages to establish me as a more credible artist in people's minds, not just someone who was a five minute wonder."

    As Gareth, whose single Changes hit the shops on April 9, prepares for his comeback bid, we take a look at some other reality show singers and the new brand of fame created by talent shows.

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