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Posts posted by sweetpromise

  1. I think the only way to get around the copyright problem is to produce the loco as a drawing rather than as the actual photo. If someone has enough talent to draw Gareths lovely face than perhaps we can have our own copywright. However, unlike pictures, a photo free logo is timeless and in the long run may be much better. All good food for thought.

  2. Thanks for sharing it with us Snowdrop and Maggie – it’s certainly eye-catching and delightfully designed as well as informative. I can imagine fans referring to it often. It is well worth keeping a copy of it in the music section of a portfolio.

  3. Thank you for posting this on here. I remember reading it a while back on ggates boards.

    Hello Gareths Melody,  may I ask both you and Snowdrop when and for how long was my story posted on  ggates boards as I myself have not posted it on that praticular website. I had experienced problems and repeated failures with  loging on, consequently I eventually gave up. The story was originally viewed on GarethGatesWorld via an e-mail from The Saturday Show thanking me for my interest in the site. The administrator was a young gentlemen named Daniel. He was pleased to include my story on 'come and live gareth' and there it remained. Obviously some one thought well enough about my story to take the time and trouble to cut and past it onto the ggates borads. Whom ever it was may I say thankyou.

  4. Did you make it to any of the tours or any other concerts?  If so, I'd love to hear your reviews.  You have a great way with words. :D

    Thankyou, yes, I had the pleasure of attending several tours and concerts. Some of which are: "Party in the Park" in aid of the Princes Trust on the 6th of July 2003. "Christmas in Popworld" on the 2nd of December 2003. My favorite was the performance at Wembly on March 6th 2004 "Go Your Own Way Tour" I was in Block A Row 11.

    I must say that Gareth Gates is a credit to himself and the music industry. His singing voice was superb and his efforts to improve his speech have done him proud. His body language was positive and there is a confident, professional, yet friendly feel to his performances.

    Gareth still knows how to weave a magic spell over his audience; he surrounds us in a circle of love.

    I felt elated in his company.

  5. Wow, so that's you?

    I remember that report was posted over on ggates ages ago,

    I'm thrilled that you have joined in with us

    Hello Snowdrop - Yes it's me. It's always nice to be rembered. Thankyou for making me feel so welcome. It's a pleasure to be part of such an excellent site. A big 'thankyou' to everyone else for their warm response to my story.

  6. Gareth is so popular it is no surprise that there will be story's written about him. CBBC Prom In The Park was held on the 15th of September 2002 in Hyde Park, London. I know Gareth is a living dream but this is no fairy tale. Here is a true story I hope you will enjoy.

    This is a true story and was taken from http://www.brenteck.com/gareth

    “A Glimpse of Gareth”

    By no stretch of my imagination did I expect to be enchanted by Mr. Gates. But there I was in Hyde Park clutching my concert ticket as if it were pure gold. What on earth has gotten into me? I’ve always been a sensible women, no longer a naive young girl filled with ‘flights of fancy.’ Then why was I so captivated by this boy called Gareth.

    I made a silent vow to behave in a mature, ladylike manner and not allow myself to be swept away on a wave of passion and emotion just because Mr. Pop Perfection was standing a mere few feet in front of me. Yet, excitement tingled in me. I chided myself for being ridiculous, but his charms broke right through my defences.

    I have seen pictures of Gareth but I was not prepared for the heart stopping reality of him in the flesh. All natural, and up close, his very presence could flood your mind with romantic notions. There is an irresistible magnetism about him which can capture your heart and warm it with sweet dreams. I felt myself drawn to him despite my efforts to remain calm.

    But I desperately wanted to recognise the boy rather then the “Pop Idol” To acknowledge the person behind the image. Strip away all the glamour & glitter of the great stage and see Gareth for what he really is. On the surface Gareth is interesting, likable and attractive, however the hype and facade of the media dramatically camouflages the person within.

    I see virtues in him that do not exist in others. I admire his strength of character. I appreciate his keen intellect. Gareth possesses an inner goodness, and it’s this inner goodness which shines out through his face and makes him beautiful.

    A glimpse is not enough, there is much more than what meets the eye. Look beneath the surface like I have. You will love what you see.

    By Valerie Brenchley

  7. Good grief!  Are they feeling OK over there????  I swear we never had this many updates when he was around!  But good on them and huge thanks  :)

    I've done screen caps of the relevant bits:

    First up, the 'News':


    The new pic:


    And at 150%:


    And, finally, a slightly larger version of the calendar cover :)


    which will be replacing the smaller version, tiled, on my desktop as soon as I click 'Add Reply';)  :D

    Thanks Maggiemags for sharing these great pictures of sweet and sexy Gareth with the rest of us. He looks absolutely, positively, undoubtly, indubitably, unquestionalbly, undeniably, totally, completely beautiful. Love from sweetpromise.

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