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Posts posted by laura

  1. If they are successful as a band then of course they would be silly not to carry on, however It is disappointing after hoping for another album from Gareth. Sure whatever happens, he will try do what's best for his career and either way just to have him back where we can see more of him will be good. Still unsure about the whole band thing with the other guys, but looking forward to finding out how they are together.

  2. Have to say I'm not too keen on this project. Having watched The Big Reunion last year, a Lot of them were painted out as being desperate. And although they've had successful tours with the show, don't think it's brought any of them back to a great career without the show. I may be wrong about that though!

    Also not keen on the whole group thing, but it will of course be good to see him on tv some more and means we will get to see him a lot in 2014. I will of course watch and no doubt end up enjoying the show, however my initial thoughts on this one were 'don't do it gareth!'

    Looking forward to seeing him though and it may just turn out to be a good project :)

  3. Personally I like Free the best, and the lyrics just get me every time. Having said that, as others have said I'm not sure it would be enough to catch the people who aren't already fans. Would also like to hear them with a backing track as I think that can make a huge difference to a song, rather than just acoustic. I just think he needs something extremely catchy to get other people interested. Not sure any we have heard would do that, as much as I love them myself.

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