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Everything posted by garethsmelody

  1. Really enjoyed the interview.
  2. Thanks Val must press record so I don't miss the interview tomorrow.
  3. Thanks for your in depth report. You have such a good memory
  4. Thanks for posting. Good to know what Panto Gareth is doing. So nice for the people of Belfast.
  5. Thanks for the info. could not remember word for word what Graham said only that it was very complimentary. Will have to have another listen.
  6. Not sure if you can get this on catch up. Graham was talking to Styles and Drew and he played Glass Slippers .
  7. Valr Thanks for your report. Glad you enjoyed it more the 2nd time.
  8. Thank you for booking the tickets. Looking forward to meeting up.
  9. Thank you Val Gorgeous pic of both of them
  10. Thank you for posting the lovely pics. I caught a glimpse of Gareth on the red carpet at the start of The Lorraine show today
  11. Thank you for all the reviews. As a Birthday surprise treat my daughter took me to Crewe yesterday to the Panto. We were in a box with all the trimmings. So close to the stage. Was able to see close up, Gareth on stage. How lucky am I.
  12. Thank you for your reports. It nice to meet up. Val thinking of you.
  13. Thanks Val very funny. I sent my text.
  14. Thank you for all the reports and photos . I am enjoying reading them very much.
  15. Heather thank you for posting up Gareth's heartfelt thanks
  16. Echo Linda's comments. Fantastic to here Gareth's wonderful voice again. Val have a really good night tonight. Will be thinking of you.
  17. Chris. Thank you for posting. It sounds like a fantastic night. I would have been over the moon to here Gareth at the piano.
  18. Thanks Chris. Love the photo/stage setting.
  19. Had a great time at both gigs. Not long got home. I would not go to the meet and greets as as we traveled down on Friday my throat was soar and I lost my voice its. still not back. The que started to form before Gareth finished his last song. love it. As you can see/hear from u tube he looked and sounded good
  20. Val thank you . June thank you loved reading your account of your day.
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