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Everything posted by garethsmelody

  1. Has anyone else had problems booking seats for this gig. I had to ring and reserve via the mobile number on the site as the land line is not working.
  2. Enjoyed the show last night. Looking forward to seeing more of Gareth. The times he was on he made me laugh he is so funny.
  3. I have just placed my order for this going through the Amazon link on this site.
  4. Thank you for your reports. So glad you made it and had a good time.
  5. Thank you for your reports and photo.Like the new hair style. So glad you made it and had a great time.
  6. Went to the afternoon performance today in Coventry. Had a fantastic time. 2nd time for me to see the show. Loved it the first time and even more so today. Gareth is so good.
  7. Hi Chris & Val loved reading your reports. So happy you had such a great time.
  8. I went to last nights performance ( Tues 13/04) with my daughter and her partner. My daughter usure if she would enjoy it as she is not a fan of musicals. She did very much. Goes without saying how much I enjoyed it The theatre again was sold out. A great atmosphere in there. Gareth recieved fantastic applause. The roles of Jean Valjean & Javert were played by understudies. Christopher Jacobsen played Jean Valjean. Sorry forgot who played Javert.
  9. So happy for you that you & your hubby had such a good time. Love reading all the reports
  10. Did not get back till 3am so not awake yet. Great night. First time for me at the O2 arena Gareth and Maria were brilliant they wore the red outfits and skated to living on a Prayer. Gareth said he was chuffed to bits with the score. 25.5 Best I have seen him skate so far. People behind us asked to have a look at our banner and said how nice Gareth is. Brian Colloly was guest judge and very funny.
  11. Thanks Janice. So looking forward to watching both of the shows
  12. Just to say that despite the awful weather my sis and I had a great time at Blackpool. Good to speak with members of the boards. Gareth was as always fantastic he never ceases to amaze me. He sounded and looked great. The band were really good. I just thought it was so good of him to come out to the fans before he left to sign and have photos. He opened the window as he drove away to wave. Bless him.
  13. Thank you. Such a lovely read.
  14. Well done Gareth you were great, love it. I know I will watch it over and over. I was so nervous for him I need not have been. So gorgeous so natural so funny. Bless him. Jonathan Ross was very good with him.
  15. The link is now saying no longer available Thanks Val and eternal
  16. Well done to the winners. looking forward to your reports
  17. So excited :frantics: Good luck everyone
  18. So excited I just cant keep still. How will I cope lol
  19. Thank you for letting us know. So very sorry such sad news I met Tracie and her mum a few times. Tracie was so friendly a lovely young lady. My thoughts are with Anita and Tracie's family.
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