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Everything posted by Khelda

  1. Khelda

    Judie Tzuke

    wow, Gareth appeared on stage with her in Oct? Thanks for finding that Floz, and yes it is a lovley song. Just seen the photo, she looks a bit manly, lol Gareth looks gorgeous but a bit overdressed.
  2. Jilll, Floz put a link up in a post a bit on the page before.
  3. That must be the song we heard about, when they said he written a song with her.
  4. He has written a song special for Bradford, how lovley was that? I cant get over how great he sounded singing and speaking. And nice mention of writing your 3rd album Gareth.
  5. I am crying here, how beutiful was that? Oh wow a new song.
  6. There are 53 people on line on GG just now, just goes to show the interest.
  7. On Popbitch they say 1 of Phixx has gone missing thats why they are not performing. (Hazzy told me)
  8. I think they said it will kick off at 6pm, and I hope like you Jill that the connection will stay as is. I know I wont have my tea till the show is finished, not moviing from here. lol
  9. Yes Jill, Steve is on now, and its now snowing in Bradford, lol
  10. They said on the Pulse that its raining in Bradford, but snowing in other parts of Yorkshire. I hope people taken their brollies along with the hat and scarfs.
  11. He seems to have his fingers in all sorts of pies. Intersting articles, thanks.
  12. Thanks for posting that lovely article. You all better wrap up real warm, gloves, scarfes, hats, and such, apparently very cold weather (maybe snow ) has been forecast.
  13. You are right Nicola Jayne, they are brilliant and will keep us going till new releases.
  14. Charlie, you can get an avatar from IT help, see link: http://garethpaulgates.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=362
  15. We all feel the same Francine, these boards are as an as well not instead of the GG boards. And these are as a back up if the official ones are down or too slow. These boards are there to compliment the official ones, and we are here to focus on Gareth.
  16. It worked now when I LEFT clicked on it and saved it on my pc. so thank you very much for that Snowdrop.
  17. It worked now when I LEFT clicked on it and saved it on my pc. so thank you very much for that Snowdrop.
  18. Wellcome GGfan and I love the photo too, had not seen it before. I so hope we will be able to listen on line, and Songbird, I hope you get right to the front. Will be great to get all the lovely reports and new photos of Gareth.
  19. I will ask today for the day off, I need to be ready and waiting on line for the broadcast.
  20. They are saying short seasonal performance, so maybe only 1 song and maybe a little interview. Hope you all have a great time.
  21. I am really looking forward to all your accounts Janice, and everyone else who is going. The best news, should cheer everyone up.
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