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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Oh, I've been thinking that for weeks :laugh: Really can't wait now :hyper: :frantics: Think I may be making more than one trip to this one :heart:
  2. Thanks Heather. That was nice. What a great cheer the crowd gave for Gareth when Lee mentioned him. That bodes well for him doesn't it
  3. I've had my CD for a couple of weeks now and I can't stop listening to it. In fact the songs are all on my iPod already, in time to take on the train with me at the weekendto see Cinderella. I think Gareth's voice sounds even better on the CD than it did on the night. I think my favourite is Gypsies of the Ether at the moment, but I love them all.
  4. That's a great review Khelda and Gareth's mention is no more than he deserves. I can't stop listening to these songs. I think Gypsies of the Ether is my favourite at the moment :heart:
  5. If you click on the Amazon link on here Eternal, at the very top right hand side of the page above the shotting basket it says `Your Account' just click on that, then on `open and recently despatched order' and put your password in and it will show you anything you have on order from them.
  6. I received an e-mail confirming my order and another one when it was despatched. If you ordered it from Amazon, you can go to your account and it will show you there if you have successfully ordered it.
  7. That was lovely to listen to. Thanks MaggieMags and Snowdrop. They both genuinely want Gareth to be successful don't they. Its quite amazing that so many people see him as a truly wonderful person yet he doesn't get the acclaim he so deserves. Such an unfair world.
  8. I suppose that's because they don't know when the baby will arrive. You can't put a definite date on that unless they opt for Suzanne to be induced which I don't think they would go for personally.
  9. My CD has arrived today. Not had time to listen yet, but will do later
  10. Not yet, but a couple of us agreed last year we'd try to go on the first night, for the next thing Gareth did so :hyper:
  11. I've still not had an e-mail, but on my account its now saying it was dispatched today (11th) and will arrive on 13th :hyper: :hyper:
  12. That was nice. Thanks Maggie and Snowdrop. I had a feeling he had a migraine that day. You could see the similarity in his face as there was that day on DOI.
  13. Thanks for that Snowdrop. Reading it makes the pain of having to wait another week a little easier. I'm so glad the sound is so good. I did wonder if there would be much audience noise, so good to hear it didn't interfere with the recording. Can't wait to get my copy.
  14. I didn't get an e-mail Khelda, but when I looked at my account there was a message on there saying it was delayed.
  15. I really wish I'd been able to get that link to work so I could have ordered it from the site. Going to have to wait another 10 days to listen to it now :frantics:
  16. My delivery date has moved back to 18th December too. So wanted it to arrive today.
  17. That's great news. Will be nice to see Gareth back on TV again. Really looking forward to that.
  18. Ordered my copy from Amazon. Little bit more expensive, but I couldn't be doing with all the hassle of trying it the other way. Can't wait for it to arrive now :hyper:
  19. I sent an e-mail to the address Figaro posted on OS and have just received this reply, from Neil Eckersley
  20. How pathetic is that. They're certainly doing themselves more damage than they're doing Gareth. Probably a couple of 16 years olds who are jealous. thanks for the link to the article Heather.
  21. Getting worried now. Still can't order it. I hope its nothing to do with my setting or something like that :frantics:
  22. Still not working for me either :sad: Have you actually tried to order it Snowdrop. The page will load for me, but just won't let me buy.
  23. Thanks Gazman. That sounds like the same interview as the one Snowdrop posted the link to.
  24. Good grief, he looks even more fantastic than normal. What a shame about his speech, but he did look as though he had a bit of a migraine in his eyes :heart: Thanks for the link Snowdrop.
  25. Fabulous news. Figaro has just posted this. We can purchase Gareth's songs from the concert :hyper: :hyper: http://www.garethgates.com/messageBoard/ub...;gonew=1#UNREAD Edit by Snowdrop: Or you can order from amazon - it's more expensive, but might be easier.
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