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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Looks like they've all been given the go-ahead to mention the rehearsals. Anyone know who this is. Or should I know, but have forgotten.
  2. That's great isn't it. Gareth actually `appears' to be answering some of our Tweets at last
  3. I meant to say he hadn't said anything after Gareth had performed. Perhaps he won him over as well. Didn't realize the comment about the sound was from someone else.
  4. Thanks Floz. I thought he might as I saw a rather derogatory remark on Twitter earlier yesterday from someone called DerrenLitten. I ignored it at the time, but this is his comment He later said he hoped the sound was still as bad when Gareth came on. Sad little man.
  5. Thanks for the scan Heather. That's a nice picture they've used.
  6. Thanks for posting that up Maggie. I bet they all had a brilliant evening.
  7. Gareth has twittered about the very sad death of Steven Gateley :sad:
  8. There were no messages displayed for any of the acts so either they didn't get many or there were loads for some and none for others. You were right about Craig. It was the one from BB.
  9. Brilliant result and better than I expected him to do. I fully expected JLS to have won, being as they're so popular right now. Great times for Gareth and for us at the moment
  10. Thanks Snowdrop. I appreciate being able to listen to any of the music from the show. It really was a great one.
  11. You're right Khelda. That was a slip of the fingers. I'll change it.
  12. The results of this vote will be shown on VH1 from 2 o'clock today. That's channel 356 on Sky. Fingers crossed Gareth did well in the vote.
  13. Thank you so much for posting those clips Snowdrop. I was fortunate enough to have been able to hear Gareth singing them on the night, but it will be so good to be able to keep the memories fresh once they start to fade a little :heart: How kind of the lady to send you the recordings and such good ones too. Please thank her on our behalf. I had visions of never being able to hear Gareth singing those songs again. Now I'll be able to :heart:
  14. Another lovely independent review for Gareth from WOS Gareth also gets a nice mention in this podcast. Its quite a long one, but worth listening to. Keep listening to the end as someone else talks about Gareth and says how he `stole the whole show'. http://www.musicaltalk.co.uk/episodes_0155.html Another lovely review on the DC site Can't say I noticed that. And just a comment which gives a very good omen for Les Mis _________________________
  15. Not sure what I can say different to the other reports, but from going to the show to see Gareth singing, I ended up watching a truly brilliant show. There was such a high standard from all the performers. The orchestra and the Arts Ad dancing group were fabulous. After watching such great performances, it was a little nerve-racking waiting to see if Gareth would measure up. There was no need to worry, he was outstanding. His voice gelled with Ima Castro to perfection and his solo song was acted out as well as sung. Which was not the case for most of the others. Every time I see Gareth in a different part he's come on in leaps and bounds. There seems to be no limits to what he can achieve. But I have to say the whole show was truly amazing.
  16. Received this alert this morning from the Telegraph & Argus. Can't post the link due to my stupid set up being wrong
  17. Good to see Gareth mentioned at least. Saw Alistair McGowan on both Loose Women and POG this week and he never mentioned the show once. All he spoke about was his own tour which starts next week. You'd have thought he could have given it a little plug wouldn't you, seeing as its for Charity :shocked:
  18. He gets about a bit doesn't he. Is there no end to his talents :laugh:
  19. Fig has posted about discounted tickets for this from this website I've got my tickets, but anyone interested in getting some, I've just looked to see what the best on offer are. It came up with Row F in the stalls at £32.50 which is half what we paid, so very good value.
  20. That goes without saying :laugh: I don't need to know that though, it will be blatantly obvious when I'm watching and listening to him :hyper:
  21. I've read it through 4 times and I'm still confused as to who is who and who did what :shocked:
  22. He's really found the urge to Twitter now :laugh:
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