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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. The report you put on OS is brilliant Carol. If you'd like me to copy it over here for you just let me know.
  2. Someone has posted the scores and their opinions from this afternoon's performance on DS Kyran 29 (fab as ever!) Suzanne (complaining about how hard all her injuries were) 29 Bonnie (Best technical girl) 27.5 Chris 27.5 (put lots of new very difficult steps into his Salsa) Clare (Best girl skater, but isn't as neat as Bonnie) 25 Gareath (talked lots, and did very well!) 23 Zaraah 23 Linda (... says you just have to get on with it after you break an ankle) 22 David 21 The skate-off was between Keiran and Chris, with Keiran winning by 3 votes to 2.
  3. Lovely bits about Gareth over on the BR by Vicki from last nights show This bit just sums it all up and I agree with her totally. It really is a fantastic show. Even having watched it three times, I could still do it again. Just found this bit in another thread from Vicki
  4. I just read that from Debbie on OS. That's good news for all those going tonight and hopefully it means Gareth's nan has recovered :smile:
  5. Thanks for telling us Heather. It was disappointing, but I totally understand that Gareth would want to be with his family in these circumstances. I feel for them all and I hope all the family are OK and that his Nan will be OK too.
  6. I'm so sorry Heather. I was so taken up with the pictures, I forgot to welcome you to the site I wondered who the blonde was as well. Lucky girl whoever she is :smile:
  7. Thanks for posting those Heather. They all look like they're having a good time :laugh:
  8. Did you hear the interview on the Radio Doris. Can you tell us what Gareth said.
  9. I clicked on Local News on the left hand side. Then it was 22 minutes into it, but you can forward through it, albeit a bit slowly.
  10. Thanks for that clip Floz. Second biggest cheer of them all I'd say. He looked really confident and good too :heart: Thanks for your report Heather. From all the reports it seems its a really good show. So glad you got to meet Suzanne.
  11. I just found this other picture on the BR. Also read on myspace someone say Gareth looked good in his Bolero outfit. The pic is a bit blurred, but you can still see him. Found a better one on DS
  12. Thanks Floz. You could just about hear he got a total of 24 for whichever performance that was at. Good score. It looked really good too
  13. Thanks Khelda. Nice to see they've got the big screens as well.
  14. :laugh: Sorry Khelda I just posted this in the Sheffield thread, before I looked in here.
  15. Thanks for your report Singingmuppet. Its very nice to read everyones thoughts on the performances. I've just found the judges scores for this afternoon's performances on the BR. Gareth was in 5th place Fred & Zarrah 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.0, 5.0 = 22.5 Kyran & Melanie 5.0, 5.5, 5.0,5.0, 5.5 = 26 Chris & Frankie 6.0, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5 = 28 Gareth & Maria 4.5, 4.5, 5.0, 4.5, 4.5 = 23 Bonnie & Pavel 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.0, 6.0 = 27. Linda & Dan 4.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.0, 4.5 = 21 David & Kristin 3.5, 4.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.5 = 19 Suzanne & Matt 5.0, 5.5, 5.5, 5.0, 5.5 = 26.5 Chris and Suzanne skated the Bolero and Chris won. Apparently Suzanne made a bit of a mistake and Matt almost fell on top of her.
  16. Nice post on Gareth's Myspace by someone who went to the show last night
  17. I hope you don't mind Floz. I've posted the YouTube link on the OS.
  18. Thanks for your report Lilian. It sounds a brilliant show. Can't wait to go see it now. Thanks for the link Floz. That routine looks much better with those outfits and they skated really well.
  19. Suzanne and Claire danced to Bolero this afternoon and Suzanne won. Chris didn't skate as he did something to his neck this morning. He hopes to skate tonight. Found this on the BR. Nothing posted about Gareth, but I have asked if anyone has any info.
  20. I don't think he'll win either Khelda. It would be nice if he got into the top two, so he'll have a chance to skate to Bolero, even if it was only once
  21. They only announce the first and second with the voting I think. Seems Gareth did well and skated to two numbers. Here's one post on BR which gives a bit of insight into the evening
  22. Someone has started a thread over on the BR site, to keep a check of the scores and who dances to Bolero each day. Might be nice to keep an eye on it in case there are any venues that no-one is going to. http://www.theblueroom.me.uk/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=21176
  23. Bit more detail on the aftershow party on this link http://www.heart1062.co.uk/blogDetail/315/940 Sounds like Gareth impressed everyone.
  24. Gareth sang a couple of songs at the after show party on Sunday. http://www.itv.com/Entertainment/reality/d...cs/default.html Would have loved to have been able to listen to that :heart:
  25. I think you're right Snowdrop, Gareth probably would have got through to the final two, but much as I love him, I really don't think it would have been right if he had at the expense of Suzanne, which is probably what it would have been. She was absolutely brilliant tonight and if she'd missed out on the final it would have been a total injustice. What won it for her I think, was the cancelling out of the votes from the first part and only counting those for the Bolero. She was so graceful anyone not supporting Chris would have surely voted for her after watching that. I'm so glad she won.
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