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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Thanks for posting that up Snowdrop. Its a lovely picture which shows two people very much in love as far as I can see. These comments smack of sour grapes because they didn't get the publishing right for the wedding to me. Trashy magazine with trashy reporters, who don't appear to have wasted any time finding out where Gareth & Suzanne went, even though according to them, no-one is interested in them
  2. I hope you'll have a nice holiday Alicia. We shall miss you posting as well :smile:
  3. I've deleted all the pictures I posted from OK magazine. I've contacted Admin and if they're happy for them to be put back up I will post them again, but there appears to be a copyright issue with OK.
  4. I was a bit :shocked: when I first saw the collar, but the more I see it the more I like it. Its very modern I would think and what young people are wearing these days.
  5. A few of my favourite pictures Owing to copyright, I've deleted the pictures I put up
  6. Got my copy this morning and have just spent time reading every word. This article is definitely the most classy write-up of a wedding I've ever read in OK. They have done it just right. The pictures are so natural, just the kind you would expect at a traditional wedding, which is what they wanted. I simply love this bit in the article, it brought tears to my eyes :heart: A truly fairytale wedding, captured with such taste and class. Well done OK! Here's to a long and very happy and fulfilling life together for them.
  7. What a fantastic idea. Or indeed to do a private set for a group of his loyal fans. I'm sure we could raise a fair whack to make that happen :laugh: I've not read the article yet as I haven't been able to get OK today, but from what everyone has said it seems Gareth & Suzanne made a much better deal than others have opted for in the past. Well done them. And well done to OK for going along with their wishes.
  8. Meentioned on the Mail On-line http://www.dailymail.co.uk:80/tvshowbiz/ar...iping-week.html
  9. I've just rewound my Sky+ and heard what they said :laugh: Not a lot, but very nice to see those smiling faces on the screen :heart:
  10. What did it say Khelda. Was there much mention of Gareth & Suzanne?
  11. I'm sure that's the way Gareth and his Dad wanted it Lilian. And well done on them for insisting to OK that only the pics they wanted were published
  12. I hope Doris won't mind me bringing these over from OS. Sorry I've deleted the pics as there is a copyright issue
  13. I can't get my copy yet as they aren't in the shops down here yet. I saw a few pictures posted on the OS though and think both Suzanne and Gareth look fantastic. Love Suzanne's dress and Gareth's suit :heart: I'm pleased to see they were able to keep members of the family who wished to remain private out of the magazine, even though I would have loved to see a picture of Gareth's dad. I bet he was as dashing as his son. It was a bit surprising if Michelle Heaton was on the front cover with Gareth, but didn't she always say nice things about him when she was on tour with Liberty X and Gareth was present. Gareth is so busy at the moment, they're going to have to pick their time carefully to get away on that honeymoon :laugh: Can't wait to get my copy of OK and read all about it :heart:
  14. Thanks Khelda. I've not seen that one either. Lovely picture. Those pictures from the wedding are going to be really spectacular, with two such beautiful subjects :heart:
  15. I'm pleased to see this being reported in NME with the musical connection http://www.nme.com/news/robbie-williams/38318
  16. Thanks Floz. I remember seeing lots of coverage of this event last year. Should be good
  17. Thanks Jenjo. That's much better. I hope that is the mag which have the rights to the exclusives. I think they may have got it right about the best man too. Michael is such a good friend to Gareth.
  18. That man was very informed about the theatre, so it was great to get such a good opinion of Gareth from him. I did ask him if he was just saying it because he knew we were fans of his, but he insisted that was what he really thought
  19. Hi Suzie. It was nice to meet up with you in the lift. Quite a coincidence we all arrived back at the hotel at the same time. That was exactly the same for us. It took us hours to come back down after such a brilliant evening.
  20. We're sitting in the Grand Gallery Chantel in Row C. Which row are you in?
  21. They look like two different theatres plans to me. The Stiles & Drewe concert is in Her Majesty's Theatre isn't it
  22. I'm going as well now, thanks to a good friend :hyper: Looking forward to meeting a few more of Gareth's fans this time around :smile:
  23. I absolutely agree with you Gazman. If Gareth could get this part, it would be some achievement for him. As for the part itself, its one thing almost playing yourself in a role, but quite a lot more challenging for a heterosexual to take on the role of a gay man. If he could pull that off and I'm sure he could, it would do his career a power of good. I personally would much prefer him to make his debut in a new show, where there would be no opportunity for the press to compare him with someone who'd previously taken on the part.
  24. Thanks for the link Heather. I think `I Wish, I wish' and `Let Him Go' would both fit Gareth's voice perfectly. And you're right Khelda, the lyrics to `I Wish' seem to be very fitting to Gareth.
  25. A little quote from Gareth here in the Stage News Thanks for posting up the picture Snowdrop. They've added the news to Gareth's Facebook page now and have included the picture.
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