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Everything posted by Val4Gareth

  1. Thanks JaneyRose. Yes a shame about the flying, but even more of a shame we won't get the chance to possibly see him skating to Bolero :sad:
  2. You're right Snowdrop. I think we were all a bit upset and probably a bit angry last night, but in the cold light of day, what you've said in your post sums it up. It has been a fantastic journey and experience for Gareth and he's made a lot of new fans as a result of it. That can only be for the good. And if we're honest about it althogh Gareth was better overall, Zaraah probably was very slightly better than Gareth on last nights performance unfortunately and that's what the judges had to decide on. It is a pity. I would have loved him to have the opportunity to skate to Bolero moreso than the flying bit, but it wasn't to be.
  3. Fantastic performance, but we're going to have to vote loads tonight.
  4. Thanks JaneyRose. We did find it and its lovely :heart:
  5. I see. Probably wishful thinking on the part of ITV then. We know how they love to hype things up :laugh:
  6. Why would they expect that many. They've never had 14 million viewers, even in the first year.
  7. Wasn't that brilliant. Absolutely fantastic. Thought he was the best of the lot tonight Just loved it.
  8. I've just seen this posted on the ITV site. Its all happening this week. Apparently Greg has cut his face as well with his broom :shocked: Suzanne fractures her ankle Published: Saturday, 1 March 2008, 2:23PM Suzanne Shaw's future on the show hangs in the balance after suffering a fracture to her left ankle. Landing awkwardly during rehearsals this morning (Saturday), Suzanne triggered an injury on her left ankle that was originally sustained a few weeks ago, when she was trampolining as practice for her unassisted jump. Click on the picture above to watch our exclusive footage of Suzanne trampolining. Collapsing in pain, a visibly upset Suzanne was carried from the ice by the medics who rushed onto the rink. Suzanne was then taken to Barnet General Hospital, where an X-ray confirmed that she has sufferd an avulsion fracture (chipped bone) in her ankle. The star is now back at Elstree studios, where Dancing On Ice physiotherapist Sharron Morrison will give her intensive therapy on the injury throughout the afternoon. We can reveal that Suzanne will definately not be able to go back onto the rink today, and at the moment it is 50/50 as to whether she will skate tomorrow night! An ITV spokesperson said: "We have a responsibility to ensure that all the celebrities are fit to perform and Suzanne will only take to the ice if the physio gives her the go-ahead before the show." Its been a difficult week for Suzanne and partner Matt Evers. Just yesterday, Matt suffered a cut just below his right eye when Suzanne's skate blade hit him in the face. The pair had been practicing Suzanne doing a handstand onto a chair as part of their props week routine. The cut was treated and glued together at the rink.
  9. Yes, but hopefully they'll think Gareth is capable of doing something a bit more interesting than Emily did last year
  10. Thanks Nat. Great pictures. Particularly like the last one and I love what Suzanne is wearing.
  11. Wasn't the problem last year, that Emily (I think it was her), only kept putting the hat on and off her head and very little else. I'm sure Gareth will come up with something a bit more interesting than that.
  12. No, I don't think that. It looked like Gareth took too long to get hold of Maria properly and she knew they wouldn't have time to complete it and get into the right position for the next move.
  13. Fancy giving Gareth a hat he has to put on top of his hair :laugh: :laugh:
  14. I felt quite sad for him with his speech. It was pretty bad and makes it so hard for him to be natural. Such a shame and such a disadvantage for him :heart:
  15. Gorgeous as ever Good job he didn't attempt that lift in the first week, or he may have packed it all in Loved the way he praised Chris and Suzanne again.
  16. They've just said Gareth will reveal he's skating with a Cane and a Top Hat. Could be a Hollywood type routine, going by that They've now got a clip on the ITV website showing Gareth with his props :hyper: http://www.itv.com/Entertainment/reality/dancingonice/
  17. Thanks for posting your pic Nat. Very nice of all of you. Look forward to seeing your others when you get chance to post them
  18. Thanks for your report Nat. Can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to read your detailed reports. Pleased you had such a great time.
  19. Well done to Gareth tonight. Very pleased he's through again.
  20. I've been out all day and only just managed to watch my recording of This Morning. Lovely interview. Bless him trying to cover up Suzanne's picture that he said she hated :heart:
  21. Where is that on the site Janeyrose. I've looked around all the week and I've not seen it anywhere Edit: Its OK, I've found it now. Its the bit we saw at the beginning of the week.
  22. I'm doing the same. Constantly recording and deleting
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