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Posts posted by VickyGates

  1. I'm loving the whole shirt and jumper thing he's got going on lately - but not sure about the rest of it if I'm honest! He still looks bloody gorgeous though, so I can't complain :tongue: Looks like he's enjoying himself too.

    About the audio clip of the interview - it seems to not work because of the format it saved itself in but I can't work out how to save it as anything else (I did it in Windows Movie Maker); can anyone give me some clues? :unsure:

  2. I just can't get over the fact that he's back. He's actually back. At last. It seems to long ago that he was around I can't actually remember what it was like! :blush: Apart from the excitement - I remember that, lol. Am so so excited about the documentary. A whole hour of Gareth? We've never had that before...God it's gonna be amazing. And then the music, and the TV appearances, on the radio, in magazines...arrgghhhhhhhhh! LOL. Everyone who's made this possible needs a huge hug and kiss, haha. And Gareth himself - God I'm so so proud of him, and so happy he's back doing what he loves. I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed here! :wacko: Can't contain myself!

  3. Oh wow! Thank you so much everyone for the pictures and reports - it's been amazing reading about it all and seeing the photos. I can't wait till we can hear some of the music, roll on next year! Can't believe he's finally back, after all this time. So so happy. The music sounds as though it's absolutely fantastic - so exciting. :frantics: :heart: I wanna hear his voice so badly, lol.

  4. the key difference is that Will and the rest of the popstars who do sexy shots have also talked a lot more about the music, and I think that is the key.  Gareth will have that next time. 

    He will, especially now his speech is so much better, he'll be given more chances, and he'll feel far more comfortable taking up those opportunities than he ever did before.

    I have to admit that when I first saw the topless shot, I did worry that the message sent out by a topless shot was all wrong,

    I agree - my first concern was that people would think he's trying too hard - and while I wouldn't be to surprised if that's the case with some people, there are going to be an awful lot of people who do sit up and are more prepared to give him another chance, because they'll forget the 'little kid who sang covers' and recognise that actually, he's not half bad looking (something we knew all along ;))

    in photographic terms I thought it was rubbish.  I wonder if someone thought that grey = class and sophistication, but it = dull to me.  It was bland, and most people probably didn't even get the chance to see if he was looking more grown-up, because from a distance the cover sleeve looked like grey shelving.

    Completely agree with that too. I never really liked that shot - he's pouting too much! Haha, but no, on a serious note, it didn't attract people and did look pretty boring. I'm praying they use a different type of image for the cover - after all, it's going to have as much impact as everything else taken into account, and for this to work, every single detail needs to be carefully thought through (which it seems 19 & BMG are doing, by the look of the pics so far).

    So far, everything appears to be falling into place though, and I for one can't wait to see some proper promotion and see some reactions from all those who may have 'gone off him' or got bored with waiting. It's going to be fantastic. :D

  5. Oh wow. Doesn't he look gorgeous? That's amazing...

    I'm not sure which I prefer. That new one's amazing...God he's so hot. I do love that new one, but have to say, the topless one had a bit more of an impact... :P:wub:

    I hope I'm not reading too much into this, but you know it says 'poster shot' - does that mean it's a poster? Per chance...? I'm probably trying too hard, aren't I?!

    Thanks for posting them all up Maggie. :D

    Edits to say: Look at those nice big arms...ahhhhhhhhh. :wub:

  6. Gareth Cams will do for next week. :D I'm sure we can all undergo that type of hardship again. :P

    What about one of the MTV Asia "Access All Areas" clips for sometime in the future too? Although I'm not sure if each clip/'episode' is not a little long...or maybe we've discussed that recently already? I'm not too sure...but anyway - just a suggestion.

  7. I hadn't seen either of those in a while...so this is a lovely excuse to have another little watch. :)

    He's so cute...him and his bacon frazzles. That woman must have been able to see him, they were right beside her car, and his arm was waving about out the window! Bless...trying to convince us he's not a freak. Hmmm. :P

    As for the Lambada one - how does he move that backside of his like that?!! Nice to watch... ;):wub: I always thought the white bit was another t-shirt underneath, but when he stops he pulls his trousers up, so that's a big enough reason for me to believe they must be his pants. :blush:

    LOL. :wub::wub::wub: He's just so loveable.

    whenever I was in the car being driven (by hubbie) along the motorway I was thinking: 'What if Gareth would be in the car next to me? lol What would I do?

    I was on the M25 once and this blacked out people-carrier drove past with the number plate GAZ 2003. I did a double take, lol. But then it overtook us and I spent the next half hour trying to find it again - I never did...maybe that was him?! Unlikely I know...I think I'd faint if he pulled up beside us on the motorway. :blink:

  8. Awwwwww! That is just adorable...great article - bless him. It's great that he does all this.

    His hair is a bit...yes well. :P I guess the second picture was just an action shot...can't imagine what he's doing, lol! That baby is tiny...and just look at him. :wub:

  9. God he's so wonderful...his voice is just amazing, pitch perfect, and it seems so unfair that he can't get that type of promotion in the UK - it would do him the world of good. Still, can't complain too much, cos at least we can still watch it. :D:wub:

    The way he sings...wow. And I'll never fail to be impressed with how people can play an instrument and sing at the same time. And when he does it, well...lovely. I'm so so proud of him - made me go all gooey watching that, and the whole hairs on the back of your neck thing...I always used to think people exaggerated, cos it's never happened to me before, but it did watching that, and...WOW! :blink::wub::wub:

    One complaint...grey boxers. What is that all about?! Hasn't he worked out that black is so much sexier by now?! :P Grey reminds me of an old man...sorry Gaz! :wacko:

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