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Everything posted by Yorksheather

  1. No there won't Janice,don't start fretting already
  2. I'll stand by you Janice.Someones to keep you in order
  3. It's going to be great Rachel,have to keep an eye on Janice though
  4. I just read the gg boards,so rushed over to see my post card.Great to have it confirmed,getting really excited now
  5. Hi Nicola/Jayne ,I know someone on the ggboards who is staying at the Victoria Hotel,Bradford for the lights.It is close to Centenary Square,close to Bradford Interchange and has car parking.It will be great if a meet up is arranged
  6. Thanks Haz,I think that is a brilliant find and brilliant to read.I love UK pop star Gareth Gates thrilled the crowd with his superb voice.Looks like there there were plenty of influentional people from all over the world to see Gareth perform,and hear Gareth's superb voice.It sounds like it was a fantastic night.Sounds a very lavish event. I don't know how thet kept the massive event's location secret,in a massive marquee in the shopping centre
  7. It's easy to get near the front Jhoy if you are good and early.The stage is quite near the crowd,as the square isn't that big
  8. I agree the local fans without computers only find out Gareth news from Pulse radio,local T&A ,then all the rubbish they read in national press and magazines.It was funny last year at the Christmas lights as I recognised lots of Gareth fans(not from the boards)who I have seen on all my TV video recordings from local events from Bradford from Pop Idol days onwards.
  9. It's most likely the good Gareth fans of Bradford who have been contacting Pulse Radio,it's their local radio and they love Gareth.I met lots of Gareth fans from Bradford last year at the lights that don't own computers and didn't know who we are. Mustn't assume we are Gareth's only fans
  10. No I wouldn't tell people not to get in touch with Pulse, some people get too offended quickly and start arguing. I don't think they are being inundated, they can cope. Actually they do the Christmas lights show on stage and run it live on radio, so I think they have more to do with it than they are hanging on
  11. This post you started about getting the details from Bradford Council seemed very clear to me Janice.I haven't the faintest why people are phoning the Pulse ,when you have already given us the details
  12. I thought they said Gareth would sing one song,or have I got that wrong? Luv Heather
  13. I hope you are going to stay nice and calm Janice,but I had better take my headache pills just in case luv Heather
  14. Thanks Janice ,I'm looking forward to seeing Gareth at the Christamas lights,(and seeing you of course ) Luv Heather
  15. Just read all that,thaks Maggie very interesting luv Heather
  16. Thanks Khelda,it is all very interesting isn't it Luv Heather
  17. Very good news about Gareth winning best international male singer MTV Music Awards China 2004 in July.Congratulations to Gareth,but I can't see why all the secrecy.The more people who know about it the better as far as I am concerned. Luv Heather
  18. I haven't found Gareth mentioned anywhere.Most countries are all carrying the same report by Elaine Kurtenbach. Luv Heather
  19. The opening of the Louis Vuitton Shanghai store has been really high profile,as I've been searching around I've found it in Several American Papers,Canada and France.I hope Gareth is getting plenty coverage in China.He looks so handsome,and all that talent too. Luv Heather
  20. Thanks Snowdrop,I think the new photos of Gareth are stunning,absolutley gorgeous.I whish she would give us a bit more information,but the photos are great. Luv Heather
  21. My favourite tracks have changed after all this time.I don't like absolutley as much as I did.My Favourites now are.Foolish,Freak My Baby,Groove With Me,Say It Isn't So,All Cried Out(which I thought was better performed live)and Listen To My Heart Luv Heather
  22. Thanks for your information on the store opening Ally,and thanks Perisa for keeping us in touch with your attemps to find out what else Gareth might have been doing in China.I agree ,these boards are great Luv Heather
  23. I would also like to thank everyone involved for their sheer hard work in getting these brilliant new Gareth boards up and running. No one seems to be maintaining the official Gareth boards ,which are so slow,I feel like they will lay down and die Thanks everyone. Luv Heather
  24. I'm sure Gareth was very well paid,but it still doesn't fit in with an open air concert,and invited by the president of China. Luv Heather
  25. I notice on the link, that Gareth is the only one there who is not Asian.I hope he picked up some nice little gifts while he was there Luv Heather
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