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Everything posted by Floz

  1. http://photo.wenn.com/index.php?ref=dancin...&version=uk A couple of our boy returning to the hotel
  2. There's a little rehearsal pic on Rex now, but again we have the same problem.
  3. Floz

    Sad News

    I am sorry to pass on some really, really bad news for everyone on here. One of our moderators, Nicola (GarethsHotChick), a huge Gareth fan and a friend to many of us has sadly passed away. She will be remembered fondly by all of us and our thoughts go to her family at this sad time.
  4. Lovely. Thanks. Interesting that they wern't papped together. It was Gareth and a male friend in the pap pics as I recall. What a pain it must be having to come in and out of parties at differnt times or by different entrances. She's probably with him at so many events where we only see his pic
  5. Still there for me. Monday nights news. It'll be there for another 5 days.
  6. You click on the link I gave you http://www.itvlocal.com/yorkshire/news/ then in the panel that appears on the right click on latest news bulletins then Calender news north.
  7. http://www.itvlocal.com/yorkshire/news/ Its at 22 mins on Mondays evenings news
  8. There's quite a clear video of the entrance of all the celebs. Gareth gets a huge cheer
  9. Theres a version of Living on a Prayer on Youtube now
  10. That's brilliant. Sounds wonderful. Itt looks as though they must vary what they do in the second half then as one of the other performances he did the Beach Boys number. (edits - ah no, see the yoube thing below, they do the Beachboys, but in red!!) 5th ain't bad at all!! found this on youtube. Its very fuzzy, but he looks great direct link ( so you can comment)
  11. YYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH I just got in in time to watch that. It was bloomin' magic. Well done Gareth.
  12. DOI is really taking its toll on his speech I thought. Quite poor this morning which is such a shame. However, I guess it can go back to being brilliant once its all over. :smile: Not the most interesting of props, but I'm sure they'll do a fine job.
  13. Wonderful. I wonder if it was the ice that caused all the problems?? Look forward to seeing the pics
  14. So...tell me the point of the required element again? Zaraah didn't do it either time and yet she's through. I'm puzzled as to why that didnt mark her down Edits. Where was Maria at the end? She wasn't standing there with Gareth
  15. What a shame about the missed lift. My heart was in my mouth, Good scores though....and he jumped!!!! :laugh: Twice. I've done a quick edit!
  16. Getting nervous. Zarrah was a bit wobbly wasn't she? Hard to tell at the start too with all those blooming star shapes on the ice you could hardly see her
  17. Eventually got to watch it. Thank goodness the video worked. My goodness, he was ace. Totally deserved the mark. Fabbie :heart: (still a hellish costume though!)
  18. Just in and missed the whole blooming thing (fingers crossed that the machine has recorded). But how great to read this. Can't wait to see it now.
  19. Blimey to that costume. Some of the other look a little classier. But if it suits the song, then so be it. He'll pull it off I am sure.
  20. They did well given the week they have had. The VT was heartbreaking. But he's going to have to up his game a bit cos Zaraah is pretty good.
  21. Thanks for telling me he's on 4th. The bloomin' phone rang just as it all started. Not answering that again for a while!!
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